The origins of “speciation” 29 Mar 20145 Apr 2014 As I do some research on the history of speciation theories, I came across this, which is perhaps the original coining of the term: Evolution is a process of organic change and development, universal and continuous, and due to causes resident in species. Speciation, to give the other process a name, is the origination or multiplication of species by subdivision, usually, if not always, as a result of environmental incidents. Speciation is thus an occasional phenomenon which does not cause evolution, and is not caused by evolution. One procession of organisms may be divided into two, but it does not appear that the new groups will travel in any different manner than before, nor that they will go any faster or any farther than if they had not been separated. The subdivision enables the two parts to follow different roads and to arrive at different destinations, but it does not assist the evolutionary locomotion nor give us any clue as to how it is accomplished. The evolutionary interest of isolation is that each case affords additional evidence of continuous, progressive change as the normal evolutionary condition of all groups of interbreeding organisms. The isolation of a new group is an interesting biological event, a crisis, as it were, in speciation, but it gives us no special opportunities of studying the causes of evolution. [Cook 1906:506] By 1939, a Society for the Study of Speciation had been set up, although it lasted only a few years (Cain 2000). The 35 years following Cook’s paper were a frenzy of studies, theories and arguments. Cain, Joe. 2000. “Towards a ‘Greater Degree of Integration’: The Society for the Study of Speciation, 1939-41.” The British Journal for the History of Science 33 (1):85-108. Cook, O. F. 1906. “Factors of Species-Formation.” Science 23 (587):506-507. Ecology and Biodiversity Evolution History Speciation Speciation Theory Species and systematics
General Science Can an elephant paint? 30 Mar 2008 Watch the video under the fold, from Chang Mai in Thailand. There’s a moment where you realise what the elephant is representing, and a shock that comes when you see that it is representing something. I don’t know if it’s been trained to do this but it looks real to… Read More
Evolution The World According to Genesis: Humanity 2 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 So in chapter 2, we shift stories. Now we have a story that is far older than the first chapter, and is regarded by scholars as the “Yahwist” creation story, and it focuses primarily on humans. The story is far more familiar than the first chapter is (the first few… Read More
Evolution Myth 6: Darwin thought everything was due to natural selection 4 Mar 200918 Sep 2017 Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, according to Daniel Dennett in the book by that name, is natural selection. This is often referred to as “Darwin’s theory”. But Darwin did not always think evolutionary events or processes were due to natural selection. Read More