Epistemology Morality and Evolution 7: Conclusion 22 May 201422 May 2014 [Morality and Evolution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] So far I have made out the following arguments: Evolution does in fact debunk moral realism, as the fitness bearer for a moral claim is the agent in relation to others in their group, not the truth of the claim There is no Milvian Bridge, therefore,… Read More
Freedom The problem with logic 19 Jan 201420 Jan 2014 When teaching students critical reasoning it is an article of faith that we should teach them logic. Of course, we ameliorate any benefit this might have by teaching it incomprehensibly and in artificial cases. But still, we believe logic is what is most important in philosophy and in culture generally…. Read More
History In defence of taxonomists [plus ça change] 7 Mar 20187 Mar 2018 I sympathize with the physiologist or ecologist, who after he has written a luminous paper on a Cratoegus or Viola, or Rosa, or Opuntia, endeavors to ascertain the proper name for his plant; but I do not sympathize with his objurgations against the whole tribe of species makers. There is… Read More
Yes, but – what’s the mathematician’s equivalent of the argumentum ad logicam? Just because a proof is wrong doesn’t mean the conclusion’s wrong. Going by that cartoon, circumcision is wrong. Yet, due to this great iteration, passed down from my forefathers[*] through the dim shades of time, I have a ready explanation for every otherwise inexplicable iota of resentment evinced by my 16 year old son. Religion has a purpose, whatever you philosophers say. [*] Yes, that’s right: you always wondered where that term “forefathers” came from.
Yeah, I know: that is a logical, not mathematical proof after all. Sue me, my background’s in the social sciences.