The difference between astrology and astronomy 20 Aug 2009 … about 50 IQ points: [youtube=] General Science Humor Religion
Administrative Happy Solar Festival 21 Dec 2009 So, I am moved from Sydney to Brisbane, but as yet have no internet at home. I must therefore steal some of my GF’s in order to wish you all a wonderful solstice for tomorrow, and sundry other religious and ethnic festivals that may fall on or about that date…. Read More
Metaphysics In which I get Guardianed 29 May 201018 Sep 2017 Or is that Grauniaded? I always get it wrong. Andrew Brown, who writes, among other things, a blog at the Gurainad newspaper, linked to my comment that “religion” was a mess of pottage and not a single unitary phenomenon. He made some comments that we have often rehearsed on this… Read More
How interesting. I just pointed out on Pharyngula that the ancient Greeks did do astrology. However, the video is pretty funny.
Yes, they did, mostly based on a set of ideas from Anatolia which codified the Persian practices, but they also did astronomy. But you can’t expect historical accuracy from a video which mentions Zeus as a living individual…