Test post 12 Jul 2010 WordPress and ecto are not talking to each other Okay, maybe they are, but ecto is confused and thinks it’s posting to somewhere else. Damn. I lost the folds. Administrative Administrative
Administrative And so to Tucson 10 Mar 200818 Sep 2017 Yesterday John Lynch (he of the Stranger Fruit) took me to see the Arizona Museum of Natural History in Mesa, which had some truly excellent displays of the feathered dinosaurs from China (they wouldn’t let me photograph them, though, and none of the souvenir postcards had them either, but see… Read More
Administrative Competition prizes found at last! 11 Sep 2012 Last November (November!) I ran a competition for some spare copies of Species: A history, but then I moved, and my prize copies ended up in storage. I was living in a one room granny flat, as we call them in Australia, and had no access to the boxen in which… Read More
Administrative The year in review 21 Dec 200718 Sep 2017 Philosophy isn’t one of those things that makes great breakthroughs that are recognised at the time. Generally something is thought of as a significant development much later, after it becomes obvious that people are engaging with it, like the Chinese Room of John Searle. So instead I will simply list… Read More
It is at the moment. ecto is my offline editor, but it suddenly decided it cannot see the blog properly. I lost all the below the fold material, which is, frankly, most of it. Anyone got a better offline editor for the Mac?
Not a personal recommendation, but I have heard a few others say it is ok. http://www.drinkbrainjuice.com/blogo
Alas, it appears as if Greg isn’t actually offering the little blue pill on his site, gratis or otherwise. Maybe I should look in site instead of on site.
Will he be here until Friday? What does he say about the veal? Should we try it? And what about the waitress? Inquiring minds want to know!