Talk: The Good Species 14 Jul 202119 Jul 2021 This is the talk I will be giving at ISHPSSB on Tuesday 19th. [I was having issues with Slideshare, so just click the link to see it.] Philosophy
Administrative Off to the wilds of Oxfordshire 14 May 2010 So, tomorrow I fly to Oxford (well, to Heathrow, and bus to Oxford) to this conference on religion and toleration. It looks to be an interesting conference, and I am commenting on a paper by one of my favourite anthropologist/psychologists, Ara Norenzayan from UBC. It includes such luminaries as Amartya… Read More
Epistemology Science is not a religion, nor does it involve faith 15 Nov 201115 Nov 2011 Suppose you had a friend who saw the world in terms solely of his football team. If you are discussing politics, he refers to the boardroom of the team; if you are talking morality, the on-field ethics of his favourites stars. Now you start to talk about science, and he… Read More
Philosophy More Feynman on philosophers 26 Sep 201126 Sep 2011 Take note: he’s writing this in the dark ages of philosophy of science (1965): Another most interesting change in the ideas and philosophy of science brought about by quantum mechanics is this: it is not possible to predict exactly what will happen in any circumstance. For example, it is possible… Read More