Still crazy after all these years 4 Apr 2008 Oh honestly! The Australian Federal Police are still investigating Haneef for terrorism even after their own incompetence and prejudice has been laid bare, and a Royal Commission is in train to investigate them. Really, it’s like J. Edgar Hoover only without the smarts and the dress. Anyone still think Chief Commissioner Mick Keelty shouldn’t be fired for either incompetance or corruption or both? Politics
Censorship ISP filtering for Americans too? 8 Dec 2008 So it looks like Australia won’t be the sole idiot child of the Internet. FCC chair Kevin Martin wants… you guessed… an “opt out” smut filter at the ISP. In your face American First Amendment! All you smug Mericans, wipe of that goofy smile, now, OK? Read More
Evolution Why do they kill? 10 Dec 2007 Just to head off the obvious: Do people kill because their religion or ideology tells them that nonbelievers are subhuman? Yes. Do people go to war because their religion or ideology tells them it is their patriotic duty? Yes. Do people walk into a church or missionary school and kill… Read More
Australian stuff Cui bono? Health scammers 20 Aug 2009 An old legal principle in assigning guilt is the one that goes by the latinate title cui bono? Who benefits? As Deep Throat said, “follow the money”. So, ask yourself: who benefits from a broken American healthcare system, in which even those who are insured are prevented from receiving effective… Read More
It’s either disgraceful, or the AFP really does has some evidence that it’s with-holding for “national security”. Just a correction though – it’s a judicial enquiry, not a royal commission investigating the fiasco.
It’s either disgraceful, or the AFP really does has some evidence that it’s with-holding for “national security”. Just a correction though – it’s a judicial enquiry, not a royal commission investigating the fiasco.
It’s really becoming a bit of a joke isn’t it? We’ve gotten to the point where a man can be targeted because of his race/religion (sorry ‘profiled’) and then exonerated and the AFP STILL feels the need to invade both his public and private life in what is an outward attempt to save face after their bungling efforts in the first place! Domestic terrorism may be the hot topic of the decade but truly it pales in comparison to (as you said) the incompetence and corruption of our senior officials. Australians are very good at chopping the head off the beast, as we did with Howard, but now it’s time to start hacking of the limbs and that means weeding out the Howard-era trash. Honestly a good excuse to rant is always appreciated John 🙂
It’s really becoming a bit of a joke isn’t it? We’ve gotten to the point where a man can be targeted because of his race/religion (sorry ‘profiled’) and then exonerated and the AFP STILL feels the need to invade both his public and private life in what is an outward attempt to save face after their bungling efforts in the first place! Domestic terrorism may be the hot topic of the decade but truly it pales in comparison to (as you said) the incompetence and corruption of our senior officials. Australians are very good at chopping the head off the beast, as we did with Howard, but now it’s time to start hacking of the limbs and that means weeding out the Howard-era trash. Honestly a good excuse to rant is always appreciated John 🙂
Anyone still think Chief Commissioner Mick Keelty shouldn’t be fired for either incompetance or corruption or both? John Winston Howard, Late of Kiribilly. Kevin Andrews, Late of Sanity.
Anyone still think Chief Commissioner Mick Keelty shouldn’t be fired for either incompetance or corruption or both? If all incompetant or corrupt (I’ll add jobsworth) civil servants and/or politicians are sacked how many would we have left? I agree that this Chief Commissioner needs to be stopped, is it possible for Haneef to sue him for harassment. It seems to be that after a certain rank is achieved these people become untouchable.
Anyone still think Chief Commissioner Mick Keelty shouldn’t be fired for either incompetance or corruption or both? If all incompetant or corrupt (I’ll add jobsworth) civil servants and/or politicians are sacked how many would we have left? I agree that this Chief Commissioner needs to be stopped, is it possible for Haneef to sue him for harassment. It seems to be that after a certain rank is achieved these people become untouchable.
Anyone still think Chief Commissioner Mick Keelty shouldn’t be fired for either incompetance or corruption or both? If all incompetant or corrupt (I’ll add jobsworth) civil servants and/or politicians are sacked how many would we have left? I agree that this Chief Commissioner needs to be stopped, is it possible for Haneef to sue him for harassment. It seems to be that after a certain rank is achieved these people become untouchable.
Anyone still think Chief Commissioner Mick Keelty shouldn’t be fired for either incompetance or corruption or both? If all incompetant or corrupt (I’ll add jobsworth) civil servants and/or politicians are sacked how many would we have left? I agree that this Chief Commissioner needs to be stopped, is it possible for Haneef to sue him for harassment. It seems to be that after a certain rank is achieved these people become untouchable.