Spirits and Souls 18 Jun 201122 Jun 2018 Does Calamities of Nature read this blog? Or just Sean Carroll? Epistemology Humor Metaphysics Philosophy Religion Science Philosophy
Biology The false analogy between species and art 26 Jan 201118 Sep 2017 Biological topics are used widely in philosophy to illustrate arcane and recondite philosophical topics,and one of the most widely used, and most abused, are species as examples of natural kinds. Kangaroos, swans, tigers, lions, cats, and of course humans are all brought in to assist our intuitions. As Umberto Eco… Read More
Biology Last year in Lisbon… 13 Jul 2010 I attended an excellent conference organised by the wonderful Nathalie Gontier at the Faculdade de Ciências of the Universidade de Lisboa, in April last year. Now, the proceedings has been published in a special issue of Theory in Biosciences here. These are the contents: Double Special Issue: Darwin evaluated by… Read More
Humor Metaphysics, a poem 26 Oct 201226 Oct 2012 It rains. It rains here and now. It rains on the possible fat men in that doorway. It rains in the desert. It rains in the jungle. It’s conventional. It rains in the holes. It rains in the shadows. It rains vaguely here, with a fuzzy edge to the drops…. Read More
And if souls can’t be proven with science you have to rely on faith. My faith says if it can’t be proven, it doesn’t exist. Pick your faith.
http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/reality.png Hindus have 36 crores of gods – 360 million deities. How is India doing? It is governments’ task to prevent mankind from knowing things, and religions’ task to substitute inert filling.
Saw a spirit one time, there is no way you can duplicate that in any lab, it’s a type of energy / existence / presence nor can you beckon one to appear at will.
It could easily have been an artifact of your own brain. That’s the problem with “proving” such things… If they can’t be measured there’s no way to know if they exist outside the observer’s brain.
Anything which has an observable effect in the natural world can be investigated by science, even ideas. Don’t be surprised, though, if the result is sometimes “It’s most likely a figment of your imagination.”
Junbug20 said: Junbug20: Saw a spirit one time, there is no way you can duplicate that in any lab, it’s a type of energy / existence / presence nor can you beckon one to appear at will. I saw a lion hiding in the grassland, hunting a heard of gazelle. There is no way you can duplicate that in any lab. You cannot cause it to happen at will. Does that mean it’s supernatural?
I have had some very real lucid dreams where I was telekinetic. I remember these dreams more clearly than yesterday. I could move any object at will. I even did “scientific” experiments in the dream and it didn’t matter how massive these objects were, although they did accelerate with increased will. I have also had clear dreams where I could change my surroundings with a single thought, which is more scary than you might think. For all practical purposes, I was God Almighty. My will was law, and I reigned supreme. Scoff if you will, but if these dreams were once reality to me. But in these dreams I wonder how much I would learn and how much diversity there would be? Would I become trapped in myself? As an omnipotent being, would I understand good and evil? Forgive me for using a biblical analogy, but like Lot’s wife I would look back and never change and be nothing more than a self-satisfied piece of salt. I would never be challenged to explore another potential reality, or any higher level of meaning. The same could be said of an addiction to science.
Okay you can rule out science in that case, but why would anyone use Faith as a means of working the problem out?
Correct point but trivial. Science can not and doesn’t try to explain every faith and nonsense. Hey, there are three gods and two witches in your chimney now. Science has no opinion on this either. But intelligent people do.