Size matters 13 Jan 201213 Jan 2012 As always, click on the image to go see the entire Tony Piro goodness Evolution Humor
Evolution What is “nature”? 2 Jan 20142 Jan 2014 Many critics of science, including Christian philosophers like Alvin Plantinga and William Lane Craig,attack something they call “naturalism”, the view that the natural world is all there is. As Papineau notes in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry, the term has no very precise meaning in philosophy, or in science…. Read More
Administrative Five-fiftysix meme 1 Dec 2008 New: Solutions listed Mike Dunford, who is still trying to get me to pay for that time he put me up in Hawaii when his wife was on active service in Iraq (if I knew what I’d have to pay, both in climbing horrific rainforested slopes to release wallabies, and… Read More
General Science Scientific bloopers 4 May 2008 On a newsgroup that shall remain Nameless, one of the regulars, Bill Reich, just heard on the History Channel: Smilodon is the ancestor of all the modern big cats. Oy! So this thread is for egregiously* wrong statements made on erstwhile factual television shows. Please state where you heard it,… Read More
So why are plantain bigger? And what about pineapple? (there is a joke surrounding fruit size but it’s not PC, and is best told in a pub)