Quotemining in the 19thC 23 Jul 2009 Dispersal of Darwin again has an excellent piece of the history of evolution: he traces the quotemining by the theologians in the 1880s of John Tyndal, a known Darwinian of the day, to “show” that evolution is unproven and speculation. It seems that the dishonesty is unchanging. Evolution History Religion
Evolution When academics attack 5 Dec 2007 I love a good academic stoush, so long as I’m just watching and not involved either as an antagonist or as collateral damage. Recently, Steven Pinker published a book, The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature, which was subsequently reviewed by Patricia Churchland, in Nature. Unfortunately,… Read More
Quotes Thomas Browne on compelling religion 13 Jul 2010 For, as it is no reasonable proceeding to compel a religion, or think to enforce our own belief upon another, who cannot without the concurrence of Gods spirit, have any indubitable evidence of things that are obtruded. So is it also in matters of common belief; whereunto neither can we… Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design God acts in mischieveous ways 21 Apr 2010 Hot on the heels of Rush Blowhard declaring that the Iceland volcano is God’s apocalyptic response to the healthcare bill (God, it seems, is Maxwell Smart, missing the target by this much, and hitting Europe instead of the US) comes an Iranian cleric who declares that the cause of earthquakes… Read More