Quark Philosophy Blog Awards 3 Sep 200918 Sep 2017 Yes, you can vote for your favourite philosophy blog entry. In addition to a certain immodest antipodean ape, there are a number of other interesting posts I have bolded in the list beneath the fold. You choose. No pressure… 3 Quarks Daily: Penne For Your Thought 3 Quarks Daily: The Temporal Prospects of Humanity Another Heidegger Blog: Interview with Jeffery Malpas Biophilia: Altruism Through Genocide Biophilia: Holy Gibberish! Blog & ~Blog: Graham Priest’s Theory of Change Brain Hammer: Bandwidth and Storage in the Human Biocomputer Cognition and Culture: Descarte’s Skull Der Wille Zur Macht und Sprachspiele: Nietzsche’s Causal Essentialism Engage: Conversations in Philosophy: Empathy, Equity, and the Wise Latina Judge: Sotomayor and the Supreme Court Oath of Office Evolving Thoughts: Aristotle on the Mayfly Evolving Thoughts: “Class” War Evolving Thoughts: Darwin, Atheism, and the Catholic Church Evolving Thoughts: Darwin, God and Chance Evolving Thoughts: Darwin thought evolution relied on accidents and chance Evolving Thoughts: Definitions of Atheism Evolving Thoughts: How to derive an ontology in biology Evolving Thoughts: Information and Metaphysics Evolving Thoughts: Laws, Theories and Models Evolving Thoughts: Phenomena Evolving Thoughts: Philosophy and Evolution Evolving Thoughts: The Doctrine of Double Truth How Not to Win A War: Light ’em up, Baber! How Not to Win A War: On Ideology Hyper Tiling: Unheimlich Realism (and Zombies) In Living Color: Can you be blamed for forgetting? In Search of Enlightenment: The Availability Heuristic and the Inborn Aging Process Justin Erik Halldór Smith: The Fundamentals of Gelastics Larval Subjects: Object-Oriented Ontology and Scientific Naturalism Larval Subjects: Speculative Realism and the Unheimlich Let Us Philosophize: Against Much Erudition Matters of Substance: How Many Regions of Spacetime Actually Exist? Methods of Projection: Wittgenwanker Minerva’s Howl: On Retrospective Prophecy MSU Philosophy Club: Philosophy and Video Games: Idealism and Closure Object-Oriented Philosophy: English Stylists and Related Matters PEA Soup: Constraints: Agent-Focused or Victim-Focused PEA Soup: Scanlon on Moral Responsibility and Blame Perverse Egalitarianism: Early Heidegger: Fundamental Ontology Philosophy, et cetera: Reflecting on Relativism Philosophy Sucks!: The Contestability of (P & ~Q) Philosophy Sucks!: Reflections on Zoombies and Shombies Or: After the Showdown at the APA Possibly Philosophy: Uncertainty in the Many Worlds Theory Public Reason: On Public Reason and Justificatory Liberalism Specter of Reason: Discovery, Demonstration, and Naturalism Specter of Reason: The Language of Consciousness Specter of Reason: Wise on Intelligent Design in the Classroom Strange Doctrines: Third-World Zombies and (Ana) Qualiac Reference The Edge of the American West: Part 1, All noble things are as difficult as they are rare The Edge of the American West: Part 2, The Best of All Possible Worlds The Edge of the American West: Part 3, Why should we be loyal to reason if it pushes us into the abyss? The Garden of Forking Paths: Defining Determinism and Such The Garden of Forking Paths: To Hell With the TNR Principle The Immanent Frame: Immanent Spirituality The Prosblogion: An Opinionated Play-by-Play of the Plantinga-Dennett Exchange The Space of Reasons: A Counterexample to Setiya The Space of Reasons: Dilworth’s Functional Consonance Tomkow: Blackburn, Truth and other Hot Topics Tomkow: The Good, The Bad and Peter Singer Underverse: Refuting “It,” Thus Wide Scope: Emotions and Moral Skepticism Yeah, OK, But Still: An Ethics of Honor Zompist: Understanding the Chinese Room Zompist’s post is particularly good. Epistemology Ethics and Moral Philosophy Metaphysics Philosophy Science
Epistemology Definitions of atheism 24 Jun 200919 Apr 2013 I have religious friends, and atheist friends, and they both disagree with me on one point: my claim that I am not an atheist. My religious friends note that I lack a belief in God, and therefore I am not with them. My atheist friends note the same thing and… Read More
Evolution Evolution quotes 1 May 2010 To understand evolution we must first understand the historical development of ideas on evolution. But to understand its history, we must first understand evolution. – Donald Forsdyke [H/T Piers Hale] Read More
Evolution God and evolution 2: The problem of creation 4 Apr 201322 Jun 2018 Objections to evolution from the particular perspective of religion come in three forms: the problem of creation, the problem of purpose and the problem of chance. All other objections are general philosophical ones, and I’ll discuss them under that heading. The problem of creation The majority of believers in the… Read More
In order to vote fairly, and I try always to be fair, I would have to read the 51 entries that are not by you and then go back and read the 12 entries that are by you and then re-read all the ones that inpressed me the first time followed by re-reading those that continued to please the second time round and then… Forgetit! I’m not voting!
Brian Leiter was apparently very unhappy with the way this turned out: http://leiterreports.typepad.com/blog/2009/08/i-will-probably-regret-mentioning-this.html
I am convinced that #32 (the one about regions of spacetime) is meaningless nonsense. Hasn’t the blogger studied his Ly Tin Wheedle? All places are one place, and that place is very large. End of discussion.
I just played to my own bias (perhaps my two week crash course reading up on the history of science at the national library is having an influence)and picked the one most usefull to me. As transfinite arithmetic does not score high in my list of things to do went for the Doctrine of Double Truth instead.
I looked through all the articles yesterday, and made a shortlist of those that I considered worth another look when my brain was fresh. This morning I’ve taken that second look, and come to the conclusion that out of those articles which I have not read before, there is not a single one that makes me feel enriched to have read it. Not a single one that I could recommend to others. At best, some articles are interesting in their incidental observations but not in their conclusions. Those that I have read before are those by Wilkins, and the one by Zompist (Mark Rosenfelder). But I thought the articles were supposed to have been written in the last year? The one by Zompist is old, as in really old, as in I’m sure it was published on his website in the nineties. Both Wilkins and Zompist belong to the set of people whose online writings (such as blogs) I read regularly.