On how to avoid swine flu spreading 8 May 200918 Sep 2017 I was going to do a long screed on the efficacy of hygiene but this is much clearer. But NSFW, it is below the fold. Humor
Ecology and Biodiversity Opinion and facts on climate change 1 Aug 2009 Although this is an Opinion column in the Sydney Morning Herald, it is not. This is. Or rather the global warming deniers that it parodies are peddling nothing but devoutly hoped for opinions. Oops: Hat tip Deltoid Read More
Humor The ongoing question of whether humans are conscious. I mean, drones… 21 Dec 201122 Jun 2018 Click on the image to go see the whole thing. Read More
Evolution PZ is a God Botherer 12 Oct 2009 Now I just knew PZ Myers was an accommodationist. But I didn’t know he went this far… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Clm6nlWxzc&rel=0&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1] [From Taking bad acting to new troughs [Pharyngula]] Read More
There are signs in a lot of the bathrooms at my workplace, showing proper handwashing techniques. Depending on the part of the building and maker of the sign, I guess, the song they suggest you sing varies a fair amount. “Happy Birthday” and “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”/the ABC Song are pretty popular, but I’ve seen at least one that suggests “Jesus Loves Me This I Know.” Wouldn’t surprise me at all to see one with the lord’s prayer around here (southeastern US). The Handwashing Compliance Committee’s (yes, there is a health care facility on our campus) guidelines apparently suggest adding the name of a song or poem everybody knows to the posters. Personally, I’d find this one more effective 🙂
Perhaps people could be instructed to wash their hands for as long as it takes to say the Lord’s Prayer?
Perhaps people could be instructed to wash their hands for as long as it takes to say the Lord’s Prayer?
In my amateur opinion, you need to spend as much time getting the germs off as they spent getting on, plus some extra for drying time and encrustation.
I’ve read/heard it’s Happy Birthday sung twice. I just clocked myself taking 26 seconds to do that, singing out loud. Is it really necessary to wash longer than 20 seconds?
That’s the difference between God and soap and water; you know the soap and water exists, so you don’t have to have “faith” in them!