On the origins of syphillis 14 Aug 2009 A nice historical review by Thony Christie on syphillis and comets. History Science
Evolution A quote: On philosophers and evolution 23 Mar 2010 Another curious aspect of the theory of evolution is that everybody thinks he understands it. I mean philosophers, social scientists, and so on. While in fact very few people understand it, actually, as it stands, even as it stood when Darwin expressed it, and even less as we now may… Read More
Epistemology Philosophy as forgetting, and index characters 13 Nov 2009 I was talking to a friend, Damian Cox, yesterday, and we were discussing how many of the ideas of, say, a Wittgenstein had been a rediscovery or reformulation of what had been commonly held over a century before. Damian made the comment that philosophy is a process of forgetting what… Read More
What rubbish. Syphilis is an instrument of God’s Love. Sometime He can love you too much. Either that, or it’s a communist plot to undermine soviet-style healthcare.
So, you’re saying we caught syphillis from God? How did that happen? What did he do to us while we were asleep?
Yes. It’s all God. He works in Mysterious Ways, you know. Even in Norfolk. But when you go barmy, your nose rots, and bits of you drop off, you can be consoled by the fact that it’s all because of God’s infinite mercy. As I always say to parents who have lost children to various complaints, heck, Jesus Wants Me for A Spirochete.
Mathematicians are such nit-pickers, even the ones that write so well. Need I remind you of the list-obsessed One Who Shall Not Be Named?
…besides, you should check out the first line of The Moons of Mars post on his blog. “…US Navel Observatory…”?