Not Saint Darwin 11 Feb 200918 Sep 2017 Oh, I forgot, due to the lack of internets at home, to link to my essay that I mentioned before: Not Saint Darwin, in Resonance [PDF] Consider this my “death of Darwin” piece. Evolution History
Biology More on David Hull 4 Dec 20104 Oct 2017 There’s a special issue of Biology and Philosophy in the wings on the late David Hull. So far, the editorial introduction by Kim Sterelny and a fair summary of his work by Peter Godfrey-Smith have appeared Online First. Springer appear to be making these open access. Update: Michael Ruse’s memoir… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity “Systematics is sick” 21 Aug 2008 So says a committee of the UK House of Lords: Systematic biology and taxonomy – the science of describing and identifying plants and animals – is in critical decline and the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) must act before it is too late. Of course, this is not… Read More
History Turtles all the way down 28 Mar 201122 Jun 2018 There is a story, often told about the philosopher William James: One day when the philosopher William James, who had a liking for scientific popularization, had just finished explaining in a small American town how the earth revolved around the sun, he saw, according to the anecdote, an elderly lady… Read More
John, I really enjoyed your essay on Darwin: the perfect points to keep in mind during the rest of Darwin’s celebration year.[/asskissing] Regarding Darwin’s true discoveries, I thought it was John Thompson’s 1830 paper in Zoological Researches that established the “crustacean nature of barnacles.”[/partypooper]
John, I really enjoyed your essay on Darwin: the perfect points to keep in mind during the rest of Darwin’s celebration year.[/asskissing] Regarding Darwin’s true discoveries, I thought it was John Thompson’s 1830 paper in Zoological Researches that established the “crustacean nature of barnacles.”[/partypooper]
Nice work – I think Darwin is celebrated because he was a careful scientist and able to back up his ideas with data.
Nice work – I think Darwin is celebrated because he was a careful scientist and able to back up his ideas with data.
Loved your essay!!! Keep up the good work now that you have returned to the civilized south. BTW, some of us have noticed your lack of internet connection. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. 🙂
Loved your essay!!! Keep up the good work now that you have returned to the civilized south. BTW, some of us have noticed your lack of internet connection. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. 🙂
Loved your essay!!! Keep up the good work now that you have returned to the civilized south. BTW, some of us have noticed your lack of internet connection. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. 🙂
I agree with Larry. Depriving you of an internet connection appears to slow you down sufficiently that normal people can keep up!
Loved the part where you talk about scientists and how they see good and bad guys in history. Great essay.
Loved the part where you talk about scientists and how they see good and bad guys in history. Great essay.