New resource for philosophy of mind and cognition 25 Oct 2007 David Chalmers and David Bourget of the Australian National University have a great new resource up of online papers on mind: We (David Chalmers and David Bourget) are pleased to announce the launch of MindPapers, a new website with a bibliography covering around 18,000 published papers and online papers in the philosophy of mind and the science of consciousness. This site grew out of a combination of David Chalmers’ old bibliography in philosophy of mind and his page of online papers on consciousness, but it is much larger and has many new capacities, programmed by David Bourget. The site address is: The top-level structure is as follows. There is an all-new section on the philosophy of perception (with 50 subtopics and subsubtopics), and many new subtopics and subsubtopics throughout. Part 1: Philosophy of Consciousness [2773 entries] Part 2: Intentionality [2365 entries] Part 3: Perception [1816 entries] Part 4: Metaphysics of Mind [2153 entries] Part 5: Miscellaneous Philosophy of Mind [2338 entries] Part 6: Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence [1187 entries] Part 7: Philosophy of Cognitive Science [1526 entries] Part 8: Science of Consciousness [3920 entries] Capacities include (i) links and citation information throughout, (ii) flexible navigation, display, and search options, (iii) the ability to submit and edit entries, (iv) the capacity for automated off-campus proxy access to commercial sites, and (v) a wealth of statistical information. There is also a separate front end for “Online Papers on Consciousness”. Where MindPapers now combines both offline published papers and online papers from free and commercial sites, Online Papers on Consciousness is devoted to free online papers (currently around 4700). It is based on the same database as MindPapers, but is organized in a way to emphasize issues concerning consciousness andcognitive science rather than the philosophy of mind. The address is We encourage everyone to try these sites and to submit relevant material that we are missing (try searching on your own name). There are tools on the site for submitting entries and corrections, as well as for notifying us about bugs and suggestions. –David Chalmers and David Bourget; Australian National University. Logic and philosophy
Epistemology Does philosophy generate knowledge? 2 Sep 20122 Sep 2012 So Larry has responded. Go read it. I’ll wait…. Back? Good. Let me address some of the points there. Not all of them, because most of them I have already addressed in previous posts. I’ll link them at the end of this one. But the most important ones. The first… Read More
Logic and philosophy Ruse on Creationism in the SEP 28 Oct 2007 Michael Ruse has a new article up on creationism in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. There’s not much new to those who know his work, but the following comment resonates – dare I say thunders – in the Science Blogs Atheism Wars: Unfortunately at the moment, those opposed to Creationism… Read More
Epistemology Atheism, agnosticism and theism 6: Conclusion 26 Jul 201122 Jun 2018 Previous posts in this series: One, Two, Three, Four and Five. With all this apparatus in hand, let’s review. Every nonreligious person has a set of commitments based on the two major axes of knowledge claims and existence claims, and on the basis of what they count as contrary to theism, are one of… Read More
I’ve started my first reading (it’s already obvious I’ll need more than one) of Chalmers’ The Conscious Mind and I came across that site while doing a little extra-curricular research on his ideas. Needless to say, it’s a little daunting. But, hey! In a decade or two, I should have a good beginners idea of the subject. If I can live to be 120 or so, I might get a solid grasp of it.