More on the CT teacher case 8 May 2010 It now appears that the teacher who was forbidden to teach evolution because it was “philosophically unsatisfying” (ORLY?) was done so by the headmaster, Mark Ribbens, alone. Ribbens tried to impugn teacher Mark Tangarone, a teacher in the Talented and Gifted Program (TAG), by falsely claiming he was “a disgruntled teacher who did not like being supervised and had been disciplined for attendance issues and insubordinate conduct”, after the event became widely known. I think Mr Ribbens is the problem here, and I hope he is let go for being disgruntled. Education Evolution Politics Religion Evolution
Evolution Does religion evolve? 2 Feb 2008 Here’s a comment that represents a widely held misconception about the evolution of religion: Whenever there is an discussion about religions and changes in religions someone always pulls out the argument that religions evolve. I am very sorry but I believe that applying the concept of evolution to religion is… Read More
Biology Tautology 3: The problem spreads 25 Aug 2009 This post will look at two different aspects of the tautology problem: 1. The public aspect, as it becomes a widely used counterargument to “Darwinism”, and the rebuttals of some public “Darwinists”; and 2. How it played out in the biological and philosophical literature. Read More
Censorship Why copyright is censorship 16 Dec 2008 Here’s an excellent discussion by Lawrence Lessig on the creeping nature of regulation through copyright. Quite apart from anything else it’s an amazing use of presentation software. Sure, it’s 2002, but things have only got worse… Read More
Mark Tangarone is one of the finest teachers to be found in Ct. He puts forth his best for each student. It is a sad loss for Weston youth. The Board of Education should take a good deep look at Weston’s administration.