Modelling and ecological niches 2 Jul 2009 Overlooked due to the orang paper in the Journal of Biogeography is a simulation of the effects of global warming on Bigfoot distributions. It turns out that Sasquatch will become more widespread due to global warming… Late note: John Dennehy also has a nice piece on this paper. Ecology and Biodiversity Humor
Ecology and Biodiversity “Systematics is sick” 21 Aug 2008 So says a committee of the UK House of Lords: Systematic biology and taxonomy – the science of describing and identifying plants and animals – is in critical decline and the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) must act before it is too late. Of course, this is not… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Liveblogging the conference: Jay Odenbaugh 14 Mar 2008 Jay is an ecological philosopher. He wants to sketch how ecologists have used boundaries, and outline both a skepticism and an interactive approach. Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Whew! (Spiders!) 6 Mar 2008 After a three day workshop on the future and nature of taxonomy (or systematics; I’m still unconvinced there’s a difference) I am exhausted and enthused. The former because of the massive amounts of beer we drank, and the latter, well, because of the massive amounts of beer we drank, and… Read More
Ahh, brilliant! I’m doing some ENM as part of my PhD. Am drafting a paper at the moment using some of the same tools as used in this paper. This will join the reference list 😉
I call shenanigans! Surely Bigfoot is cold-weather adapted and therefore its range would shrink. Amiright? 🙂
Black bears and Kodiak bears are similar in ecotype, I think. They have a fairly extensive range, don’t they? [Unspoiling the fun]