Me in Spanish 5 Jun 2010 I just love seeing my ideas in another language, not because I speak or read them (I am Australian. We don’t even speak English well. We’re submonoglots), but because it always looks so much more intelligent in French or, as in this case, Spanish. Eduardo Robredo Zugasti has noticed my summary essay “What is a species?” at his blog La revolución naturalista. I think he likes it. Previously, I have been Frenchified, and Portuguesed (but it no longer exists online). If anyone wants to translate me into Russian, though, this will follow: Humor Species concept
Humor Green scripts, and spam 16 Sep 20094 Oct 2017 First see here, then see here. Oops: HT: Richard Grant. Read More
Evolution Evolution quotes 6 May 2010 But is it not possible to apply a test whereby a true species may be known from a mere variety? Is there no criterion of species? Great authorities affirm that there is—that the unions of members of the same species are always fertile, while those of distinct species are either… Read More
“Submonoglots”? Speak (or not) for yourself! I suppose it must be fun to “see” yourself in another language though, but can you trust your translators not to wreck your deathless prose? On the photo, the worst moment in that film was when Archie Leach said Italian was an ugly language. Appalling….though I have to admit Russian sounds good too.
I think you mean “hypomonoglots”; sub- is a Latin prefix, mono- and -glot are both Greek, so we English classisists prefer the Greek prefix! Eye new that eddickayshum wood cum in yousfull wun day!
¡Felcidades, John, por eso! Tu trabajo vale mucho la pena y merece ser difundido. Si es en otros idiomas, aún mejor.