Intermediate concepts in science: a list 2 Feb 200818 Sep 2017 As well as the Basic Concepts list, I occasionally get sent some links that are in my mind too advanced to be basics, but too good not to mention. So I will do with them what I have done with the Basics. Send me some links… Recent additions Coturnix’s Biological Clock tutorials, 1-16, and a short history, from A blog around the clock Update to links Basics of radiometric dating Mathematics Fourier transforms for the practical person by parseval at A Candle in the Dark FT of some common functions by parseval at A Candle in the Dark Ain’t so convoluted by parseval at A Candle in the Dark Statistics Statistical Modelling: The Bits Pt. 1 by Bob O’Hara at Deep Thoughts and Silliness Statistical Modelling: The Bits Pt. 2 by Bob O’Hara at Deep Thoughts and Silliness Physics Free and Paid Convection by Arunn at Unruled Notebook Free Convection by Arunn at Unruled Notebook Free Convection and the Rayleigh Numberby Arunn at Unruled Notebook Basics of radiometric dating by thermochronic at Apparent Dip Biology ClockTutorial #1 – What Is Chronobiology by Coturnix at A blog around the clock ClockTutorial #2: Basic Concepts and Terms by Coturnix at A blog around the clock ClockTutorial #2a: Forty-Five Years of Pittendrigh’s Empirical Generalizations by Coturnix at A blog around the clock ClockTutorial #3a – Clock Evolution by Coturnix at A blog around the clock ClockTutorial #3b – Whence Clocks? by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #3c – Darwin On Time by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #4: On Methodology by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Genetics – A Short History by Coturnix at A blog around the clock ClockTutorial #5: Circadian Organization by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #6: To Entrain Or Not To Entrain, That Is The Question by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #7: Circadian Organization in Mammals by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #8: Circadian Organization In Non-Mammalian Vertebrates by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #9: Circadian Organization In Japanese Quail by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #10: Entrainment by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #11: Phase-Shifting Effects Of Light by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #12: Constructing the Phase Response Curve by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #13: Using The Phase Response Curve by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #14: Interpreting The Phase Response Curve by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #15: Seasonality by Coturnix at A blog around the clock Clock Tutorial #16: Photoperiodism – Models and Experimental Approaches by Coturnix at A blog around the clock General Science
Administrative Short takes 9 May 2008 So much has been happening in the world while I was giving a talk on the adaptiveness of religion in Sydney. The Platypus thing was one item I’d have blogged on if the rest of the blogosphere hadn’t beaten me to it. All I can say is that no matter… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Australian bees are BETTER than American bees 7 Sep 2007 So, you thought that Colony Collapse Disorder, which is causing billions of dollars in losses in American agriculture, was an act of nature? You poor fools! It’s a plot, I tell yez. We Australians have hardier bees than you do, so they can carry an infectious disease that your weakly… Read More
General Science Albert and Carroll on 21 Jun 2008 Philosopher David Albert and physicist Sean Carroll* will be doing a spot like the one Paul Myeahs and I did recently. I’ll add the direct URL when it comes online. Update: The spot is here. In particular note the segment on how Albert got suckered by the What the… Read More
Oh good, can I plug a couple of mine too? I might even get round to doing a Basics post on Bayesian statistics (yes, I know there’s one there, but I want to say something else). Bob
Oh good, can I plug a couple of mine too? I might even get round to doing a Basics post on Bayesian statistics (yes, I know there’s one there, but I want to say something else). Bob
Oh good, can I plug a couple of mine too? I might even get round to doing a Basics post on Bayesian statistics (yes, I know there’s one there, but I want to say something else). Bob
Oh good, can I plug a couple of mine too? I might even get round to doing a Basics post on Bayesian statistics (yes, I know there’s one there, but I want to say something else). Bob
Oh good, can I plug a couple of mine too? I might even get round to doing a Basics post on Bayesian statistics (yes, I know there’s one there, but I want to say something else). Bob
…and (before I forget again), is there any chance that Seed could set up a permanent page for these, so you don’t have to keep on bumping the same posts up? Bob
…and (before I forget again), is there any chance that Seed could set up a permanent page for these, so you don’t have to keep on bumping the same posts up? Bob
…and (before I forget again), is there any chance that Seed could set up a permanent page for these, so you don’t have to keep on bumping the same posts up? Bob
…and (before I forget again), is there any chance that Seed could set up a permanent page for these, so you don’t have to keep on bumping the same posts up? Bob
…and (before I forget again), is there any chance that Seed could set up a permanent page for these, so you don’t have to keep on bumping the same posts up? Bob