Intelligent Design Explained 24 Nov 2009 What do you call people who keep hearing things that don’t happen? Schizophrenics, of course. ID is schizophrenic. That they keep hearing explosions that don’t happen is merely a sign they are on the side of the terrorists. Hat tip for the “Sound of” link to J-Dog. Creationism and Intelligent Design
Creationism and Intelligent Design Skewed views of science 16 Jan 2009 Larry Moran points us to the following video on what science is and why pseudoscience is not to be taught or accepted without serious evidence (which makes it science). My only comment to add is that emotional appeals are information and evidence, but they are information and evidence about the… Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design Ray Comfort, plagiarist 5 Nov 2009 Remember Ray Comfort’s version of the Origin? Well it seems that while the final version is not missing chapters, the introduction is missing something else. Originality. AIGBusted has found that he has plagiarised at least some of it. Colour me unsurprised. Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design On the lateral transfer post 2 Apr 2009 Well yes it was a joke. But it was based on the inappropriate manner in which the well-known work on lateral transfer was reported by New Scientist as showing that Darwin was wrong. That genes occasionally cross over taxonomic borders among single celled organisms by transduction (viral exchange), conjugation (sharing… Read More
I would LOVE to take credit, but CARLSONJOK, is the one! He’s some crazed cowboy in OK that is actually a Friend of Charles Darwin, with a mind like a steel trap and a strange liking for LOL Catz.