Intelligent Design and Religion as a Natural Phenomenon 22 Jun 2010 My next book [I just love the sound of that] has been published. Here’s a flyer. It’s an anthology of papers on the title topics, with an introduction by yours truly… it’s cheaper if you buy it directly from the publisher from here. Many thanks to Neil Levy, series editor and patient and forebearing man… Book Creationism and Intelligent Design Philosophy Religion Science Social evolution Philosophy
Ethics and Moral Philosophy Evolution and morality 20 Jul 2009 Ever since Thomas Henry Huxley’s marvellous book Evolution and Ethics in 1893 (online here; it’s the Prolegomena you really want to read, though), the relationship between evolution and morality has been mooted. Spencer famously wanted to say that morality was just what was normal for a species, while Huxley argued… Read More
Pop culture More on tone 4 Jul 20117 Jul 2011 The “Tone Wars” revive from time to time, most recently in PZ Myers’ justified criticisms of Richard Dawkins’ objections to feminist objections to sexist language and moves. The story so far: Jen McCreight, who blogs as Blag Hag (why can’t I think up such clever names?) was commenting on the… Read More
Evolution Genesis 2 rewritten 5 Jun 200724 Nov 2022 It is also likely that if God re-issued Genesis 2, he’d do it as a comic strip like this. Oops I forgot to link it… fixed now. Read More
I don’t know… It says in the flyer that God is watching me. Does God just watch through the book or from elsewhere? If from the book, if I put something over it, can he/she/it see through? There are privacy issues here.
Congrats! Every new finished project is like a little battle won against entropy. Or at least that’s the way I seem to be seeing it these days.
I think “My most recent book …” provides the coolest connotations, as in “I put together my most recent book in my spare time whilst watching the French meltdown at the World Cup.”
A number of reactions to reading these news. Glad to see Neil Levy involved. Talked to him a few years ago about the area so it’s good to see him getting into it. He is indeed a great guy. The selection looks pretty good. Very happy to see it open with Joseph Bulbulia’s review. I remember spilling my drink from laughter the first time I read it. I spilled my drink again seeing the price. It would be lovely to have the full set but there is no way either I or even my uni library can afford that kind of money.
Gosh darn. I would like to have written a bit about modeling manufacture rather than detecting design. Does anybody point that out?