In which I express gratitude and humility 4 Jun 2009 When I asked for donations, I expected a few $5 donations here and there. I never expected the amounts I got. To the dozen or so donors so far, my immense gratitude. I feel like this: [youtube=] Some have questioned my need for this, and this is a reasonable inquiry. So I merely repeat what I said at Pharyngula, where the molluscan overlord directed folk to give: I blog out of a sense of obligation, mostly as a citizen with duties, but also as a way of repaying the society that has given me an education (gained while working full time over 25 years). I therefore feel uncomfortable asking for money to blog. I had spent, recently some largish amount of money on various setup costs, and was feeling the loss of my Seed income, which I use to buy books that go into the blogging process, and to help others I know who have financial problems that far exceed my own. But nevertheless, I am living in Australia’s most expensive city on a salary devised for people 20 years my junior, with little prospect of a future continuing appointment (i.e., I’m going to have to live on grant money until I retire or fail in academe), and with family responsibilities. For those who do not know, I’m in my mid-50s. I have no assets, because I spent all my money on books while studying, and we got hit by several recessions before my marriage ended. So fundamentally I was asking for a little help. If you don’t want to help, don’t, as Susan says [one of the other commenters in that thread]. I don’t think anyone has a responsibility to look after me, and I will figure out something, but I merely wanted a little to cover the few expenses I incur as a public blogger of the philosophy of science. De nada. I have been totally blown away by the generosity of the donations I have received, especially by several people who are well known to this blog’s audience. I never expected more than a few $5 donations, but I have already sent my penurious friend a sizeable donation as the gifts are over and above my immediate needs. I thank you all, and especially PZ, who is not at all bad for a militant atheist (sorry, athiest) and cephalopod lover. Administrative
Administrative And so to Tucson 10 Mar 200818 Sep 2017 Yesterday John Lynch (he of the Stranger Fruit) took me to see the Arizona Museum of Natural History in Mesa, which had some truly excellent displays of the feathered dinosaurs from China (they wouldn’t let me photograph them, though, and none of the souvenir postcards had them either, but see… Read More
Administrative At last! A Macbook! 22 Jan 2009 If I have seemed a little distracted and unresponsive lately it’s because I have been using an old clunker of a half dead laptop. I received my new employ’s Macbook yesterday and spent pretty much the rest of the day migrating to the new beast. I’m still in the process… Read More
Administrative There will be slight delay 21 Jun 2007 … as I attend to a bunch of administrative, career and professional duties. Please be patient. Your thoughts are important to us, and the next trained monkeyoperator will attend as soon as possible… Read More
I am not able to send anything right now, John, but hope to soon so keep the donation link available. I ran into a similar surprise last year, not only in the numbers of donations but in the values of each donation. I was taken aback and then scolded by a friend because I took away the donation link as soon as I had reached my immediate needs. The world can be a wonderful place, and you, sir, are richly deserving of the donations you receive.
Because of personal circumstances I couldn’t make more than one of those token donations at this time but I felt duty bound to do at least that much for all the pleasure and knowledge you’ve donated to me over the years.
Incidentally, some of the funds are to be used to pay publishers’ permissions to reprint excerpts in my Species Reader, which are mounting up (in the hundreds now) and I have no funding for this, as the grant I used to have got left at UQ. In case anyone thought I really was buying O’Hara a dacha and mythusmage an iMac.
Only 10 years? Gee, people are being generous. 🙂 Then again, are we talking a million in Australian dollars, or a milion in real money?
Lots of people have gotten spoiled by free content on the web. The way I look at it, I will pay for a book or a magazine if the content is of a high enough quality. Why should a blog be any different? So… keep up the quality, or else…
So, dare one ask what Sydney uni pays their post-docs? You really don’t want to know what a Uni of Auckland research fellow gets 🙁