Images on evolution outreach 17 Jan 200818 Sep 2017 Colin Purrington has a nice set of publicly available images for use in pro-science talks. Go check ’em out. Evolution Politics
Book Sterelny reviews book on Gould 14 May 2010 Kim Sterelny is perhaps the most significant philosopher of biology working today, although he is not I think much of a fan of Stephen Jay Gould, who many think is significant too. This review of a book about Gould indicates the lay of the land in this dispute. Kim previously… Read More
Evolution The heat of religion 14 Aug 2008 It’s always a Bad Idea to critique a paper on the basis of summaries, but I just can’t seem to make Proceedings of the Royal Society let me download this article. Randy Thornhill and Corey Fincher have proposed another explanation for religion, based on the correlation between tropics and diseases,… Read More
Evolution What is “life”, at last 13 Sep 200718 Sep 2017 Recently, that is since 1975 or so, the view has arisen that a living thing is something that satisfies several conditions. Read More
Many of them are excellent and many are hilarious. However, I question whether some of them would be all that effective for any type of outreach program for those who don’t currently believe in or understand evolution. Some of them perpetuate the idea that science and religion are completely opposed and one has to choose sides. In a country where 90% of people say they believe in God, that’s probably not the best outreach method to take.