I’m so proud of Australia 15 Jun 2010 We’re best at car thefts. Beats those wussy Kiwis, who are only best at half shell mussels. [But, those who eat such things report, they are good.] The UK: CCTV. Germany, solar panels. France: Sugar beet[!] Guess what the US is best at… [Hat tip John Lynch, who is from Ireland: Quality of Life. And he left, the fool! To move to Arizona!] Australian stuff Humor
Administrative PZombies in Brisbane! 30 May 200818 Sep 2017 So we managed to attract 5 local PZombies (Craig, you are in trouble for not turning up!) on a wet Brisbane night. We had some interesting discussions (which I fear means that others listened to me nonstop) over beer. It’s nice to know that those of us who are in… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Neil Young gets his own web presence 13 May 200818 Sep 2017 No, not the use of Java to archive his music. This presence: A trapdoor spider named after him. This cute fellow: Hat tip: David Williams Read More
Sugar beats! 🙂 Actually, France went into sugar beet cultivation during Napoleon reign, because the Englishs dominated the sea and thus sugar cane transports (though not only, but we speak sweet). The plant Stevia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stevia) may shade the future of Sugar beet sometimes from now…