I should stand for Parliament perhaps 7 May 2010 It’s the going thing in the UK. H/T Leiter. Humor Philosophy Politics Philosophy
History History in schools 13 Oct 2008 As I recall it, Australian history was deadly dull. Most of it could have been taught in a single half-year, with time to cover the second world war to spare. That’s what happens when a very few individuals live on a continent for (at that time) less than two centuries,… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Opinion and facts on climate change 1 Aug 2009 Although this is an Opinion column in the Sydney Morning Herald, it is not. This is. Or rather the global warming deniers that it parodies are peddling nothing but devoutly hoped for opinions. Oops: Hat tip Deltoid Read More
Philosophy On dictionaries, movements and rhetorical flourishes 9 Feb 2011 Lately, PZ Myers has been on a tear. He has rejected what he calls “Dictionary Atheism”. I have to admit, he has a way with words. I love it that he can come up with such things as the Courtier’s Reply, his Complexity Design Argument, and so forth. It’s fun… Read More
The Torries used the line that labour were all post modernists a few years back and were theirfore all liars given it’s truth claims. One of Oliver Letwin’s less sucessfull attack plans I suspect. I remembered the claim last week when I had to explain to the only conservative I know what non-empirical meant. He was utterly unacquainted with it’s meaning.