Cognition How not to give a keynote 6 Jul 201222 Jun 2018 So we finally managed to get things going for the Poland keynote. It took over half an hour to get the sound working, after a fashion, and the connection was blocky at best. The hardest part was that I kept trying to hear what people were saying at the other… Read More
Book Scientist’s Operating Manual – Evidence; gathering, measuring, analysing 7 Oct 2010 In this chapter we will look at how science gathers information about the world, and what it does with it. [Contributors should write their bits in the comments, and I will collate them below the fold or in new posts. By the way, contributors will be named unless they don’t… Read More
Evolution Not Saint Darwin 11 Feb 200918 Sep 2017 Oh, I forgot, due to the lack of internets at home, to link to my essay that I mentioned before: Not Saint Darwin, in Resonance [PDF] Consider this my “death of Darwin” piece. Read More
Damn, we were going to implement that plan. It’s a great way of getting rid of the gullible and stupid.
Well of course it is. How else can you explain the recent dip in global temperatures if not for the rise in pirates?