I get email 15 Mar 2011 Only one of the very many things I share with PZ Myers (apart from the success, the job, the handsomeness, the youth, and the Trophy Wife™) is that occasionally I get emails from crackpots. When you get an email whose Subject line is Fw: Tidal Wave Hit Japan and Alaska as prophesy! — As Science has Proven the Bible, So have “i” proven in the name of the Lord, the Immutable Destiny of those Prophesy in the Bible, {{Proof below}} Which “i” am commanded to gather and instruct, The 144,000 and More “i” pray which now Inherit the promisedland / Paradise called EARTH Rev:7:3-4, Rev:14:1-3, Matthew 25:34, Matthew 5:5, Rev:21:3 — Why Does God have to do as He does??? – Crying out too Church Missions and Scientific Researchers around earth, BRING HOME YOUR MISSIONS – The gathering signs listed on the Prophecy and the Signs page on the Lords website have fallen Like rain over the last year and a half, “i” now very soon must make another List of Signs — death and aging now soon end as Prophesy/Promised by the Great Physician who came and Destroyed death in battle / Victory Isaiah 25:8, He Jesus Christ the Lord God of the Heaven and Earth The Scientific soul of the God our Father who Scientifically Created the Universe, and Miraculously Brought it Forth. then you know you are dealing with a disordered mind… Multiple Inappropriate Capitals, inability to use apostrophes, no apparent knowledge of sentences or sentence structure, verbs or subject-object. All that is missing is five consecutive exclamation marks (properly called “shrieks” or “bangs” in typesetting). Administrative Humor Religion Administrative
Humor For every philosopher 8 Sep 2010 It’s an old joke: the one rigid and true law of economics is “For every economist, there is an equal and opposite economist”. But the joke was anticipated by Cicero back in the Roman times: “”There is nothing so absurd but some philosopher has said it.”[1] I would like to… Read More
Administrative Massive Scienceblogs exodus 8 Jul 2010 I’m going to have to update the “Recovering Sciencebloggers” list at the bottom of the RHS panel; around a dozen bloggers have said they either will stop blogging, or leave Scienceblogs. When I get the time I’ll link to their new blogs. But I have to say that the reasons… Read More
FWIW, lowercase i is a fairly common conceit of African-American and Afro-Caribbean millennialist cults influenced by Marcus Garvey and/or Rastafarianism. I’ve never seen “i” in quotes like that before, though. It’s like he’s saying “humble before the Lord, but not really.” The 144,000 is a reference to Jehovah’s Witnesses, which also strongly suggests a Caribbean influence. A disordered mind, to be sure, but he had help getting there.