Harvey Milk is getting a Presidential Medal of Freedom 11 Aug 2009 This is a Very Good Thing: Harvey Milk became the first openly gay elected official from a major city in the United States when he was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. Milk encouraged lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens to live their lives openly and believed coming out was the only way they could change society and achieve social equality. Milk, alongside San Francisco Mayor George Moscone, was shot and killed in 1978 by Dan White, a former city supervisor. Milk is revered nationally and globally as a pioneer of the LGBT civil rights movement for his exceptional leadership and dedication to equal rights. Forget about that Hawking guy, or that Tutu fellow. They have had their recognition. Milk has been more important than most individuals in the struggle for universal human rights. There are some other interesting folk too: Joe Medicine Crow being one of them. A nice selection. Politics
History Follies d’Air 30 Dec 2007 The New York Times has a long overdue article on the stupidity of airport security measures for those flying to, within or in markets affected by the United States post-9/11. Pointing out that the security screening at airports in no way reduces any threats (but screening luggage does considerably), and… Read More
Politics Affirmative Atheism 21 Mar 2010 There is a lot of noise made about “New” Atheists, “militant” atheists, “fundamentalist” atheists and “angry” atheists. All of these are, in my agnostic opinion, prejudicial and false. Atheism as being proposed int he media is neither new, nor militant, definitely not fundamentalist and having just had a lovely time… Read More
Censorship Internet censorship in Australia ramps up 19 Mar 2009 I’m posting this on my American blog because the Australian government, through the Australian Communications and Media Authority is fining people on Australian sites who give the links below the fold $11,000/day. Pretty well everything I feared about censorship by the internet filter and heavy handed government action is coming… Read More
“Forget about that Hawking guy . . .”? What will you say when someone wants to recognize “that Wilkins guy” for his contribution to the philosophy of biology? PS One of the librarians at Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology (www.senecac.on.ca) has agreed to order _Species: A History of the Idea_ for the Markham campus library.
Would you prefer Commentessa? Or how about commentata and commentatum for members of the commentariat? (I stole commentariat from John Pieret who stole it from Dr. Isis!)
True enough, John, but I’m going to buy your book. What am I DOING in the blogverse. I can’t say @#2 I can’t call someone an $#$%^ I can’t even tell someone to light him or herself on fire. See you back on UseNet