History Happy Newtonmas 25 Dec 201122 Jun 2018 Isaac Newton was born on the 25th of December (under the old Calendar; in our calendar he was born on 4 January, but ignore that for this post). In a wonderful marriage of good scholarship and computers (often a very bad arrangement), Cambridge University Library’s Digital Library project has digitised… Read More
Evolution Yet another Darwin diagnosis 18 Jan 2010 Diagnosing Darwin’s maladies is something of a professional sport amongst doctors. Previously he has been diagnosed as having Chagas Disease, chronic fatigue, various viruses, and now something called cyclical vomiting syndrome. Since this “diagnosis” sounds like a simple description of the symptoms, colour me unimpressed. Read More
Education Phil Plait destroys the earth 23 Jul 2010 The Bad Astronomer has a TV show! Bad Universe: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiSJ73pckw4] I hope it gets to Australia before the Big One hits. [Why can’t we do a philosophy show like this? Oh, wait…] Read More