Half of all primate species face extinction 5 Aug 2008 sigh… More here. Ecology and Biodiversity Species and systematics
Evolution Another claim for priority from New Zealand 3 May 200818 Sep 2017 One of the enduring patterns of the history of the history of evolution is for historians to claim that their favourite individual, or their country’s best and brightest, invented evolution. The most recent appears to be this guy from New Zealand, claiming that evolution was actually invented by an artist,… Read More
Book Systematics and Biogeography blog 23 Oct 2007 The estimable Drs David Williams and Malte Ebach have started a blog on Systematics and Biogeography, which supports a recent book they haven’t sent me a free copy of yet. Expect much puncturing of pretensions and orthodoxies. Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity A new online philosophy of biology journal 8 May 2009 It’s called Philosophy and Theory in Biology. This is based on some heavy hitters: Massimo Pigliucci, Jon Kaplan, Alan Love and Joan Roughgarden are the editors, and the editorial board looks like a Who’s Who of philosophy of biology. No apparent page charges, and it’s online only (I hope they… Read More
There was an article on the Dawkins website that reported that an estimated 125,000 Western Lowland Gorillas had been found somewhere in a swampy forest in Congo. Maybe the Gorillas have a few more years up their sleeves before poaching, bushmeat trade and deforestation get them……
There was an article on the Dawkins website that reported that an estimated 125,000 Western Lowland Gorillas had been found somewhere in a swampy forest in Congo. Maybe the Gorillas have a few more years up their sleeves before poaching, bushmeat trade and deforestation get them……
There was an article on the Dawkins website that reported that an estimated 125,000 Western Lowland Gorillas had been found somewhere in a swampy forest in Congo. Maybe the Gorillas have a few more years up their sleeves before poaching, bushmeat trade and deforestation get them……
There was an article on the Dawkins website that reported that an estimated 125,000 Western Lowland Gorillas had been found somewhere in a swampy forest in Congo. Maybe the Gorillas have a few more years up their sleeves before poaching, bushmeat trade and deforestation get them……
i know brian, that was so exciting! i saw it on cnn. but what really got me was the video, there were TONS of gorillas hanging out in the same swamp, which got me wondering about their ‘typical’ family practices of one silverback per group – i wonder if they’re acting different in this swamp. can’t wait to hear more.
i know brian, that was so exciting! i saw it on cnn. but what really got me was the video, there were TONS of gorillas hanging out in the same swamp, which got me wondering about their ‘typical’ family practices of one silverback per group – i wonder if they’re acting different in this swamp. can’t wait to hear more.
i know brian, that was so exciting! i saw it on cnn. but what really got me was the video, there were TONS of gorillas hanging out in the same swamp, which got me wondering about their ‘typical’ family practices of one silverback per group – i wonder if they’re acting different in this swamp. can’t wait to hear more.
Look on the bright side. At this rate the “why are there still monkeys?” question won’t be valid for much longer.
Hi John; I’m having problems with formating your site; any one else? I’m using Firefox and it started loosing formatting 2 or 3 days ago (your site only). Perhaps some update at my end or at yours has created the problem: any ideas?
Hi John; I’m having problems with formating your site; any one else? I’m using Firefox and it started loosing formatting 2 or 3 days ago (your site only). Perhaps some update at my end or at yours has created the problem: any ideas?
Hi John; I’m having problems with formating your site; any one else? I’m using Firefox and it started loosing formatting 2 or 3 days ago (your site only). Perhaps some update at my end or at yours has created the problem: any ideas?
Now John, before you tell me that half of all primate species are facing extinction, you will need to define the word “species”. Or am I asking for too much?
Now John, before you tell me that half of all primate species are facing extinction, you will need to define the word “species”. Or am I asking for too much?
“I like primates, I even suspect my mother might be one!” I must admit, I have my doubts too. What species is it that shows incredible devotion to new offspring, but brutally devours any adult offspring that remain nearby (unless perhaps, they can show some evidence of grandchildren)? I’m thinking, maybe crocodiles…
“I like primates, I even suspect my mother might be one!” I must admit, I have my doubts too. What species is it that shows incredible devotion to new offspring, but brutally devours any adult offspring that remain nearby (unless perhaps, they can show some evidence of grandchildren)? I’m thinking, maybe crocodiles…
“I like primates, I even suspect my mother might be one!” I must admit, I have my doubts too. What species is it that shows incredible devotion to new offspring, but brutally devours any adult offspring that remain nearby (unless perhaps, they can show some evidence of grandchildren)? I’m thinking, maybe crocodiles…
Rest easy. Fossils of all of our primate species will one day be prominently displayed in the Evolution Museum built by the Raccoon-descended intelligent heirs of this world. (my theory is that raccoons will be the ones that outcompete and thrive once we are gone. They’re wily little bastards.)
Rest easy. Fossils of all of our primate species will one day be prominently displayed in the Evolution Museum built by the Raccoon-descended intelligent heirs of this world. (my theory is that raccoons will be the ones that outcompete and thrive once we are gone. They’re wily little bastards.)