Couple of organismic blogs 20 Jun 2007 No! Not orgasmic! [There, that should bump up the hits] You all know, of course, the inestimable Darren Naish and his wonderful blog Tetrapod Zoology. What? You don’t? Go there immediately and come back when you’ve read it all, and the old site too. [Fifteen days later] So, I wanted to mention a similar blog, by a student working on spider systematics (way cool), name of Christopher Taylor, called Catalogue of Organisms. In this 300th anniversary of the first real such catelogue by Linnaeus, that’s a way cool title. And of course you have an almost endless supply of cool material, even if you stick at high taxonomic levels. And he’s being controversial too, with a shamelessly populist post on which dinosaurs are coolest or most ferocious (like those “Could Superman get Beat Up by Spiderman?” arguments nerds have, only with real beasties). Go visit. Ecology and Biodiversity Evolution General Science Species and systematics
Accommodationism Degrees of religion 8 Feb 201420 Feb 2014 Larry Moran quotes Jason Rosenhouse disputing Phil Plait: So, after all, that, let us return to Plait’s argument. He tells us that the problem is too many people perceiving evolution as a threat to their religious beliefs. Indeed, but why do they perceive it that way? Is it a failure of… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Picoeukaryotes 29 Jul 2008 Electron cryotomographic reconstruction of a C. merolae cell. n = nucleus; c = chloroplast; p = peroxisome; er = endoplasmic reticulum. Source Elio Schaechter has a typically informative and informed post on the smallest eukaryotes, a kind of algae called picoeukaryotes. These guys make up half the biomass of all… Read More
Evolution A schism in the Church of Dick 26 Feb 201018 Sep 2017 I know, it’s just schadenfreude on my part and it’s so very childish, but I can’t help it. The Church of Dick has undergone a schism, with the prophet anathematising previously loyal followers. But, and I state this for the record, it isn’t anything like a religious movement. Nope… Should… Read More
Chris, sorry. One eight legged beasty is pretty much the same as another to my untutored eyes. Darren, not on your own blog, so far as I can recall 😉
Thank you for your kind words. Though I feel honour-bound to point out that I don’t work on spiders, but harvestmen. There’s whole worlds of arachnids beyond spiders ;-).