Classic quotes: Hume 30 Sep 2010 You propose then, Philo, said Cleanthes, to erect religious faith on philosophical scepticism; and you think, that if certainty or evidence be expelled from every other subject of enquiry, it will all retire to these theological doctrines, and there acquire a superior force and authority. Whether your scepticism be as absolute and sincere as you pretend, we shall learn by and by, when the company breaks up: we shall then see, whether you go out at the door or the window; and whether you really doubt if your body has gravity, or can be injured by its fall; according to popular opinion, derived from our fallacious senses, and more fallacious experience. [Hume, Dialogues on Natural Religion] Epistemology Philosophy Quotes Religion Science Truisms Philosophy
Humor Microsoft spins it 29 Mar 200918 Sep 2017 Whenever you see this: Remember this: From AppleInsider – who also note that Linux is cheaper than both, and runs on old hardware (but you need to find your Inner Geek, which costs in time spent). Read More
Biology It was 150 years ago tomorrow 23 Nov 2009 … Sergeant Pepper… oops, sorry, wrong theme. 150 years ago tomorrow, people suddenly became smart, observant and able to understand the world. Right? Right? Well, look, I have enormous respect for Darwin, and I think the Origin is a cool and interesting book, but really, no. People were working on… Read More
Administrative The Bastards are emerging 17 Jul 2010 We have now had three posts on Opinionated Bastards . Lorax on grant funding, Mike Haubrich on why religion and science are incompatible on an inductive inference, and now Eamon Knight on why pedophile priests and women priests are equivalent in the eyes of the Vatican. Stay tuned for more… Read More
I really enjoyed this comment when reading Dialogues, but not being a philosopher I wasn’t really sure whether this argument was decisive or that the counter offered by Philo was satisfactory.