Book Books I am reading/reviewing 6 Feb 20148 Feb 2014 Despite marking scores of essays, after having taught a subject intensive, and preparing various papers, I get to review some books. This means reading them, familiarising myself with the technical literature, and so on. So I thought I’d do a brief summary of them for you now: The first is… Continue Reading
Biology Does life exist? 11 Jan 2014 Life, I believe, is what physics does on one particular planet on a Wednesday. More exactly, it is a series of chemical and physical dynamics that occurs between 3.85 billion years ago and now on this planet. Ferris Jabr, an editor at the Scientific American site, has a piece entitled “Why… Continue Reading
Biology Evopsychopathy 1. Conditions for sociobiology 6 Dec 201218 Sep 2017 Well I better put up or shut up, I guess. Here are my ruminations, excretions, and expressions regarding evolutionary psychology, or, as we might call it, evopsychopathy. I am, as I have said, a born again sociobiologist, so I guess that makes me an evopychopath. Let’s get a few things… Continue Reading
Ecology and Biodiversity Carnival of Evolution 47: All the Evolution News that’s Fit to Blog 1 May 201221 Jun 2018 Welcome to the 47th edition of the Carnival of Evolution. We have had our science reporters out in force hunting down the best of the blogosphere on evolution and related subjects, and here they are for your delectation and delight and other d-words. First some links I encountered in my… Continue Reading
Epistemology How many species concepts are there? 20 Oct 2010 [Note: This is a piece I wrote for Grrlscientist’s blog at the Guardian, Punctuated Equilibrium. I post it here for purposes of record. Please make comments at Grrl’s blog.] It’s an old question in biology: what is a species? Many answers have been given over the years – I counted… Continue Reading
Creationism and Intelligent Design Testing universal common ancestry 13 May 2010 A long time ago, a young graduate student wandered into the festering cesspool of creationists and evolutionists known as and offered to write a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions page) on whether or not macroevolution and common descent were supported by evidence. I had previously published a philosophical treatment of… Continue Reading
Biology Legal metaphysics of genes 13 Apr 2010 The recent decision in the NY district court against the breast cancer gene patent held by Myriad has many interesting aspects, but one that was brought to my attention by John Lunstroth is that the court engaged in a metaphysical dispute: are genes physical things or information? Continue Reading
Biology Thermodynamics, and the origin of replicators 14 Mar 2010 Over at Discover, Sean Carroll has a nice post on thermodynamics, free energy and the origins of life. It’s a good intro, but in the course of it he remarks: Obviously there is a lot missing to this story, and much of it is an absence of complete understanding on… Continue Reading
Biology mtDNA varies in a single individual 4 Mar 2010 It turns out, according to a recent study, that mitochondrial genomes vary within a single normal individual (human, but we should be able to generalise). What, I wonder, does this mean for the use of DNA barcoding? Continue Reading
Genetics Update: Genetic information paper 22 Jan 2010 I have updated my paper on deflating genetic information. The new version is here. Details: A deflation of genetic information ABSTRACT: It is often claimed there is information in some biological entity or process, most especially in genes. Genetic “information” refers to distinct notions, either of concrete properties of molecular… Continue Reading