Biology Griffiths on Human Nature, report 14 Aug 2009 I see that Michael Fridman at a Nadder! has given a short rundown of Paul Griffiths’ lecture on Human Nature. I feel very guilty not to have done my own account. I have been trying to get my motorcycle registered, and it wasn’t that easy in New South Wales… So… Continue Reading
Biology New SEP article on innateness 7 Aug 2009 Speaking of Paul Griffiths, who were were just a little while back, he has a new essay up at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Distinction between Innate and Acquired Characteristics. This is a crucial issue in biology, psychology, and even the law and social science. So this is a… Continue Reading
Biology Some more reading 21 Jul 2009 While I compose my haiku philosophical masterpieces, read these links: Continue Reading
Evolution A nice idea 6 Jun 2009 A nice blog, albeit a bit sporadic, is Evolutionary Noveties by Todd Oakley. He has a post up on coat colour in gray wolves, written by a student. This is a great idea (if I had students this year I’d offer them extra credit for writing blog entries too), and… Continue Reading