Book review 27 Jun 2009 A guest review by Richard Harter, a member of the Talk.Origins Old Ones… The Medea Hypothesis, Is Life on Earth Ultimately Self-Destructive?, Peter Ward, 2009, Princeton University Press, Princeton New Jersey, ISBN-13: 978-0-691-13075-0 Peter Ward is professor of biology and Earth and space sciences at University of Washington, and an astrobiologist with NASA. He is a reknowned paleontologist who appears regularly in Science documentaries on TV. In short he is a big gun. In this book he looks at the flip side of the Gaia hypothesis. If Gaia was the Good Mother, Medea was very much the Bad Mother. Gaia theory has a checkered history. When James Lovelock introduced the concept in 1979 it raised the hackles of establishment science. It has been reviled and refuted many times over to no avail; the refutations ended up being no such thing. Some parts of Gaia theory are now well established science; some are the subject of serious scientific work; and some are problematic. Then there is the New Age pseudoscience and mythology. It would be irrelevant except for the human tendency to conflate very different things that go under the same name. Ward identifies four major variants of the Gaia hypothesis, optimizing Gaia, Self-regulating Gaia, Coevolutionary Gaia, and Progressive Deterministic Gaia. He dismisses them as either being untestable, ergo unscientific, or else trivial. I disagree, but after all it is his book. Ward’s dragon of choice is Lenton’s Evolving Gaia. Lenton’s view is that life’s ability to regulate the environment in life’s favor evolves over time and becomes more effective. Over time life has become more resilent in responding to perturbations in the environment. The great advantage of this dragon is that it makes testable predictions – or at least so Ward claims. The Gaia hypothesis supposes that the living Earth is a good mother. Ward argues that the living Earth is, like Medea, a very bad mother. Ward advances the Medea hypothesis, to wit: Habitability of the Earth has been affected by the presence of life, but the overall effect of life has been and will be to reduce the longevity of the Earth as a habitable planet. As a thesis, this really doesn’t work. To begin with, it is possible that if life had never developed Earth would not now be a habitable planet. Life stripped the greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere; without life Earth may have experienced a runnaway greenhouse effect. More importantly the future of Earth is simply not predictable. It is true that that humanity has no significant long term effect, and if we extrapolate the loss of atmospheric CO2 indefinitely, and if there are no other perturbations or evolutionary surprises, then it appears that the biosphere will collapse due to CO2 starvation some hundreds of millions of years from now. There are too many imponderables here to make any kind of reasonable prediction. However it is fairly clear from the text that Ward is not arguing for his nominal thesis. Instead the thesis that he argues for is something like this: Earth has an intrinsic set of well-behaved geophysical cycles that produce an environment that is favorable for life. Life’s impact on these cycles is to introduce instabilities that occasionally become catastrophic. To this end Ward lists a number of catastrophes and upheavals. They include: The Methane Disaster (3.7 Billion years BP). Methane producing life (stromatolites) cooled that planet with a methane haze that was balanced by volcanic heat. It is not clear to me why he calls this a Medean event. The Oxygen Catastrophe (2.5 Billion years BP). According to recent work by Kirschvink the evolution of life that could live in the presence of oxygen occurred well after the oxygen rise. Snowball Earth I (2.3 Billion years BP). Life stripped CO2 and Methane from the atmosphere which lead to runaway glaciation. Canfield Oceans (2 to 1 Billion years BP). Canfield oceans are not a type of solitaire. Rather they are anoxic oceans with H2S poisoning due to carbon-sulfur bacteria that bloomed occasionally in post oxygen Earth. Besides H2S poisoning said bacteria also inhibited nitrogen compound formation. Snowball Earth II (700 Million years BP). Eukaryote plant bloom stripped CO2 again. This one is credited with spurring the development of animal life. Reduction in microbial life (600 Million BP). Animals were a one-two punch to microbial life. Animals ate microbial slicks. Animal fecal pellets fell to the ocean bottom and out of the effective biosphere. Phanerozoic microbrial extinctions (to present). Numerous global warming events leading to anoxic oceans and Canfield events at 490, 360, 251, 201, 190, and 100 million years BP. This is an impressive and interesting list, but one has to ask: What does it all mean for Medean and Gaian hypotheses? In my view, perhaps not much. Clearly life has a major impact on the global climate. From time to time there are major extinctions, often followed by major reorganizations of the biosphere – phase changes, so to speak. What it comes down to is that on the large scale, life does not act to preserve current conditions. Rather life’s impact leads to bloom and bust cycles on geological time scales. To date, the evolutionary potential of life has had enough resilency to survive and prosper. Is this Medean? That is a matter of perspective; one can look at bloom/bust/phase change as Medean (which it certainly is for life forms undergoing the bust) or can one can take the view that that is how the system works. And what of Gaia? There is some truth to the idea; in the short run ecologies tend to stabilize. To paraphrase the old saying, the history of life is one of long periods of mind numbing sameness interrupted from time to time by frightening disaster. And what of the long term habitability of Earth? Phase changes happen. Sometimes they come out of the Earth in the form of massive vulcanism. Sometimes they come out of the sky in the form of killer asteroids. And sometimes they come out of East Africa in the form of bipedal hominids. Either we and our descendents will be around for the long run or the intelligences that we create will be. We stumbled onto the keys of life and the ability to turn them in lock of being. In the long run the hability of Earth will be shaped by what we do. That is the long run. At present we are not capable of using our intelligence for the long term benefit of ourselves and the world we inhabit. In the short run we are making a mess of things and we and the biosphere will probably pay a high price. The old order passeth. All that was is not and never shall be again. Richard Harter,, If I do not see as far as others, it is because I stand in the footprints of giants. Book Ecology and Biodiversity Evolution General Science
Cognition Eww, I stepped in some evolutionary psychology and other crap 4 Dec 201218 Sep 2017 *Sigh* I try and try to stay out of the muck, but they keep pulling me back in! I saw what I thought was a careful and rather overly-documented critique by Edward Clint of a talk by Rebecca Watson against evolutionary psychology (EP). It was full of references and arguments, devoid… Read More
Evolution Tautology 6: A resolution 3 Sep 200922 Jun 2018 If, as Byerly and Michod think, along with many others such as Brandon (1990), there are two kinds of “fitness”; actual and expected, and only with actual fitness is there any possibility of a tautology, we need to work out what expected fitness is. Brandon calls it “adaptedness” proper; a… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Farewell, Caribbean monk seal 7 Jun 200818 Sep 2017 In a move that will come as no surprise to pinnipedalists (those who pedal seals and sea lions), the Caribbean monk seal Monachus tropicalis has been declared officially extinct. It hasn’t been seen in the wild for over 50 years, and the US National Marine Fisheries Service declared them extinct… Read More
Sometimes they come out of the Earth in the form of massive vulcanism. Speaking as a Trekkie, I’m all in favor of massive Vulcanism as a means of saving the planet.
Do any organisms sacrifice short-term goals for long-term ( > generation) goals? Humans are the first creatures to even contemplate it but we are not particularly good at it. That humans are then the best examples of the Gaia hypothesis is a ringing condemnation.
It is true that that humanity has no significant long term effect … Eh? The (currently ongoing) 6th Great Extinction is not a “significant long term effect”? Either we and our descendents will be around for the long run or the intelligences that we create will be. Or, uh, not.
I am familiar with the way Gaia theory was adopted by some feminist thinkers attracted by the earth mother aspects, which in turn effected interpretation of mythology and archeology; using a psychological basis in an attempt to make it appear presentable. Someone in Archeology described the perspective to me in very blunt terms “as people who like to see fannies in the landscape.” Crude but an accurate observation of one approach to archeology in the 1980’s-90’s I feel. Nothing wrong with a feminist approach but you can’t impose an ideological perspective on the evidence. It’s the evidence that needs to make the methodology. The enviromental side never stood up in the subject as human impact on the landscape was understood from the clear findings of enviromental archeology. Its only when trying to understand the cultural aspects that things became somewhat debatable. As they so often do. We do seem to have a tendancy to crap in our own backyard and find it difficult to see the trees beyond the human made mountain.