Aware: A Matter of Perspective 22 Oct 202322 Oct 2023 The next installment.:So, what is the explanatory target with the mind’s consciousness? What is it we physicalists cannot explain that needs the feels to account for? What, exactly, is missing from any possible physical account? Metaphysics Philosophy
Evolution Culpability and the Catholic Church 12 Apr 2010 The facts are no longer open to interpretation: not only bishops and archbishops, but the then head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, AKA the Inquisition, knew and covered up rather than dealt with pedophiles in the priesthood, and enabled further abuse. Michael Ruse, long an accommodationist,… Read More
Epistemology Pattern cladism and the myth of theory dependence of observation 4 Mar 2011 A new paper has been published in the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, entitled “Pattern Cladism, Homology, and Theory-Neutrality” by Christopher Pearson. Either the journal has done something horrible to the text, or the author doesn’t know the difference between Willi Hennig and William Hennig, or between Gareth… Read More
Book Scientist’s Operating Manual – Evidence; gathering, measuring, analysing 7 Oct 2010 In this chapter we will look at how science gathers information about the world, and what it does with it. [Contributors should write their bits in the comments, and I will collate them below the fold or in new posts. By the way, contributors will be named unless they don’t… Read More