Epistemology Hume’s birthday 8 May 2011 So you may have noticed, David Hume turns 300 today. I reckon he looks a lot younger than that, almost modern. There’s an interesting discussion on the History of Philosophy of Science list about whether Hume is the greatest English language philosopher, as the Stanford article claims. Influence and importance… Read More
Epistemology Wilkins on demarcation 13 Aug 201413 Aug 2014 Continuing Adam Ford’s series of me as a talking head: Read More
History The founder of the history of ideas 18 Feb 2010 Gary Nelson has pointed me at this article on Arthur Lovejoy, the founder of the history of ideas movement that I count myself part of. It is an interesting take on what Lovejoy was doing, a kind of cultural evolution historiography. Read More
This explains pretty much every single “OMG WE JUST SOLVED BIOLOGY!!1!” paper ever found in physics journals… *cringe* (If I recall, T Ryan Gregory is accumulating quite the collection of “revolutionary” genome papers he finds in physics journals. So revolutionary that no lowly biologist can understand as much as the basic thesis of the paper…)
Reminds me of Fred Hoyle’s rediscovery of population genetics, apparently unaware that it had already happened. And of course his discovery that Archaeopteryx was a hoax. “Most popular Tested Marketing auctions”? Is that a form of spam I have not previously encountered?
There is a form of trackback spamming becoming popular. Mostly I block it via Askimet, but some creeps through.
http://digitalcuttlefish.blogspot.com/2010/09/prolate-spheroids.html OT, I really like the “how scientists think” idea. My alter ego may have to send you something.