Creationism and Intelligent Design Closet Darwinism, and definitions 12 Apr 201412 Apr 2014 Every so often, somebody makes the case that “Darwinism”, “Darwinist” and “Darwinian”, being the generic noun, the individual term, and the adjective of Darwin’s name and therefore (supposedly) theory, are dead terms that cause nothing but harm (see Scott and Branch 2009). Larry Moran has just made this very argument,… Read More
Epistemology Tautology 5a: The issues 30 Aug 2009 So where are we? The tautology problem has laid open some deep concerns and confusions about evolution. In this post (5a) and the next (5b), which I will return to afterwards and add and amend (in other words it’s a work in progress), I aim to lay out what I… Read More
General Science Lucretius and the papal secretary 25 Feb 201927 Feb 2019 In 1417, during the Council of Constance that reunited the Catholic Church in the west, a papal secretary took advantage of the location in Germany to visit some libraries, while the papacy was vacant. He was hunting manuscripts, but not the newly written ones. Instead Gian Francesco Poggio was seeking… Read More
This explains pretty much every single “OMG WE JUST SOLVED BIOLOGY!!1!” paper ever found in physics journals… *cringe* (If I recall, T Ryan Gregory is accumulating quite the collection of “revolutionary” genome papers he finds in physics journals. So revolutionary that no lowly biologist can understand as much as the basic thesis of the paper…)
Reminds me of Fred Hoyle’s rediscovery of population genetics, apparently unaware that it had already happened. And of course his discovery that Archaeopteryx was a hoax. “Most popular Tested Marketing auctions”? Is that a form of spam I have not previously encountered?
There is a form of trackback spamming becoming popular. Mostly I block it via Askimet, but some creeps through. OT, I really like the “how scientists think” idea. My alter ego may have to send you something.