Ants! 23 Sep 2008 There’s a guest post at the Panda’s Thumb by myrmidon Alex Wild on the new “primitive” ant just reported. Go read it. Ecology and Biodiversity Species and systematics
Creationism and Intelligent Design Objecting to the prevailing tide 12 Jun 2009 My friend and costudent of Gareth Nelson, Malte Ebach, persists in his campaign to bring some clarity to evolutionary and systematics thinking. I may not always agree with him, but he’s often clearer on these matters than his targets, so I refer you to his recent post on paraphyletic thinking…. Read More
Evolution When philosophers really embarrass themselves 13 Mar 2008 I have just sat through one of the most teeth clenchingly bad philosophy talks, given on phylogenetics by a philosopher who has never read anything sensible on phylogenetics to phylogenetic systematists. One of the last mentioned leant over to me and asked “Does this guy know anything?” I had to… Read More
Biology So much to say, so little time 9 Jul 2009 As I prepare for the conferences I start attending and blathering at from tomorrow, I of course find a treasure trove of things to blog about. Since I can’t really do them all justice, I will merely put a one liner for each below the fold. Read More
Thanks John. Following the original post, we ended up with a discussion of the media coverage, which morphed into a discussion of why discoveries of new fly families can’t muster the same press coverage as this new ant subfamily.
Thanks John. Following the original post, we ended up with a discussion of the media coverage, which morphed into a discussion of why discoveries of new fly families can’t muster the same press coverage as this new ant subfamily.