Antivaxer story on the way 29 Apr 2009 Although Sunday Night did a very good story on the antivaccination campaign’s cost in lives, it now looks like they will do a follow up that takes the antivaxxer line, if the appearance in the ads of Australia’s least accurate journalist Mike Munro is any guide. Munro is a gutter journalist of UK proportions. His guiding principle is that if it doesn’t have drama, then the truth has to go to create some. We’ll see… General Science
Ecology and Biodiversity The meaning of “life” 6 Sep 2007 Carl Zimmer has one of his usually clear and precise articles on recent work on the nature of life, focussing on the work of Carol Cleland, who is at the National Astrobiology Institute, despite reduced funding for actual science by the present administration. I met Carol last year when we… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Wilkins breaks away from the pack 25 Mar 200818 Sep 2017 Okay, so it’s the Wilkins Ice Shelf, but it’s even more important than news about me. The 6000 square mile (15,540 km2) ice shelf named for Sir Hubert Wilkins, the famous Australian Antarctic explorer (and very possibly some kind of relation), is breaking off due to global warming. This is… Read More
General Science Having PC heroes 29 Dec 2007 One of the things about being a Mac user, for 20-odd years now, is that you just like your corporate hero. Sure, they stuffed up on a number of hardware releases, and their delay in getting a multitasking OS out the door is only redeemed by the quality of the… Read More