All gorillas are Sigourney Weaver 13 Sep 2007 As a silverback, I am always intrigued when you humans start to debate our nature, or put us in silly films (not that the one with Sigourney was silly – any film she’s in is fine by me. We don’t get much film out here in the wild, anyway). But, courtesy of Jason Grossman, alpaca farmer extraordinaire, here is one of the funniest argumenta ad Google I have ever seen. It proves that because we are all Sigourney Weaver, you humans ought to be vegetarians. I’m sure Jason, who moonlights as a philosopher in his spare time at the ANU, will be able to use this for his critical reasoning classes. Humor Logic and philosophy
Administrative What I have been doing lately, and why 30 May 2009 It seems like only yesterday that we moved to these new digs, when in actual fact it’s a few days before yesterday. But I have been busy in real life, which is an uncommon occurence (having a real life, I mean), so I have not blogged as well or deeply… Read More
Evolution Out of the mouths of [mental] babes 2 Jun 2008 Creationism is being pushed legislatively in Texas again. But this line is priceless, from State Board of Education vice chairman, David Bradley (yes, you guessed, a Republican): Bradley said he doesn’t foresee any successful effort to remove the “strengths and weaknesses” requirement from the science standards. “There are issues in… Read More
any film she’s in is fine by me. By me too and I’m not even a gorilla! By the way are gorillas vegetarians or not?
My friend Sascha whose flat I have the privilege of sharing and who is neither a human nor a gorilla (I’ll give you a clue he has four legs, a tail and large, very hairy ears) has been reading the link and has the following question: “Does the fact that gorillas and humans have canines mean that they have to eat dogs?”
Ewww, no. It means humans and gorillas and Sigourney Weaver are dogs. We can’t eat them, that would be cannibalism. Gorillas are omnivores, but they primarily eat leafy plants and seeds. But I’m willing to bet that they will not knock back a protein package if offered in the form of a small animal or bug.