A nice discussion of the problems of Evolutionary Psychology 24 Dec 2008 Here at monkey’s uncle, the blog of James Holland Jones, a Stanford anthropologist. Well worth the read. Basically he attacks the presumption that there was some kind of Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness needed to make the rest of the EP argument. Merry Christmas. Or should I say Happy Holidays, being that there’s a war on Christmas? Evolution Social evolution
Social evolution We are natural villagers 20 Jul 2009 We are natural villagers. For most of mankind’s history we have lived in very small communities in which we knew everybody and everybody knew us. But gradually there grew to be far too many of us, and our communities became too large and disparate for us to be able to… Read More
Humor Customers! Oy! 4 Jun 2009 I used to run a service department so that’s why this site amuses me so much. Yeah, I know I’m probably fifteen years behind everyone else: The World: America’s Theme Park (Note: this takes place at our cafe in Kuranda, Australia.) Tourist: “Lady, how about we make a deal? I… Read More
General Science Podblack Cat 8 May 2008 … is a blogger on the paranormal and skeptical stuff. She has some nice posts on Women and superstition (parts one and two) and Skeptical Books for Children (parts one, two, three and four). Go check them and her out. Read More
Thanks for pointing us in that direction. I thought Buller’s arguments have some merit, and especially Buss’s grand claims so far failed to convince me. (Best line in his interview with Richard Dawkins: Sooner or later all psychology/sociology departments will have to accept that they’re just subsets of EP). But the first load of comments in the SciAm article’s comment section was so hypervitriolic, including comparing EP critics to creationists, that I didn’t know what to make of it. ^_^J.
Well, psychology in general has a tradition of the theory being way out in front of the empirical data, so why should EP be any different? I would expect that many or maybe even all of the conclusions of EP are wrong as far as the details are concerned, but I think that the overall program is unavoidable. What’s that oft-repeated quote about the role of evolution in biology? “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” The problem is simply that psychology is currently still too far removed from the biology, but that is changing rapidly as neuroscientists map out the functioning of the brain. Eventually we will be able to map specific sets of genes to brain structures and behaviors, and to make some estimates as to when those genes became a part of the human genome. This will provide a firmer empirical basis for EP to work with.
Well, psychology in general has a tradition of the theory being way out in front of the empirical data, so why should EP be any different? I would expect that many or maybe even all of the conclusions of EP are wrong as far as the details are concerned, but I think that the overall program is unavoidable. What’s that oft-repeated quote about the role of evolution in biology? “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” The problem is simply that psychology is currently still too far removed from the biology, but that is changing rapidly as neuroscientists map out the functioning of the brain. Eventually we will be able to map specific sets of genes to brain structures and behaviors, and to make some estimates as to when those genes became a part of the human genome. This will provide a firmer empirical basis for EP to work with.
Merry Christmas. Or should I say Happy Holidays, being that there’s a war on Christmas? Yes, Virginia, there is a War on Christmas. It is being masterminded by the Department of Neverneverland Security, headed by Ebenezer “Heckuva job, Scroogie” Scrooge, BA Humbug, who is on the verge of declaring “Mistletoe accomplished!” Merry Antipodean Christmas anyway!
Eventually we will be able to map specific sets of genes to brain structures and behaviors, and to make some estimates as to when those genes became a part of the human genome. This will provide a firmer an empirical basis for EP to work with. Fixed it for you.
In my opinion the largest threat for California are cataclysms and ecological catastrophes. Not important is how many money we have because one tragedy can us take all.