A quote 30 Mar 2010 Well I’ve always said, There’s nothing an agnostic can’t do if he really doesn’t know whether he believes in anything or not. [Monty Python’s The Final Rippoff album] Quotes Religion Quotes
History Plato on the origin of the gods 15 Nov 2009 As for the other spiritual beings [daimones], it is beyond our task to know and speak of how they came to be. We should accept on faith the assertions of those figures of the past who claimed to be the offspring of gods. They must surely have been well informed… Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design God acts in mischieveous ways 21 Apr 2010 Hot on the heels of Rush Blowhard declaring that the Iceland volcano is God’s apocalyptic response to the healthcare bill (God, it seems, is Maxwell Smart, missing the target by this much, and hitting Europe instead of the US) comes an Iranian cleric who declares that the cause of earthquakes… Read More
Epistemology On knowledge and consistency 10 Mar 2010 Well, the cat and the pigeons are having a field day, although it is open yet to interpretation which are the cats and which the pigeons. Josh Rosenau’s post, which I approvingly cited and riffed off, has led to a number of critical blog posts in the ongoing accommodationism war…. Read More
I am agnostic only to the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the garden. Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion p. 51