YAD (yet another delay) 16 Nov 201716 Nov 2017 The Author, in repose. So, I have been lax in posting lately. I ate’nt dead. I have been checking the proofs for my book, revising a chapter in a book, and revising a paper on species (or the lack of them as a theoretical category). Also, I’ve been running the AAHPSSS website and helping with the conference. Which is next week. So, despite retirement, I’m as busy as if I had a job, only without the awful problems of having, you know, an income. But I will get back to the 50 words series soon. In the meantime, I will post the occasional short piece as it hits me. Administrative
Administrative Work intervenes 5 Jul 2009 I am going to a couple of conferences over the next fortnight. They are in Brisbane, so I don’t have to cross any water. One is the annual Australian HPS conference, and the other is the biennial international HPS of biology conference. They will both be what passes for fun… Read More
Administrative Ooh, cool! 23 Apr 2009 “Few topics have engaged biologists and philosophers more than the concept of species, and arguably no idea is more important for evolutionary science. John S. Wilkins’ book combines meticulous historical and philosophical analysis and thus provides new insights on the development of this most enduring of subjects.”—Joel Cracraft, American Museum… Read More
Administrative So, here I am in Arizona, still 9 Mar 2008 Yeah, yeah, OK, I know I’ve been absent except on the comments, but I’m traveling, all right? Everything I have worth saying gets said over beer or whiskey, tonight to Jim Lippard and John Lynch, the latter of whom is my present host. I must thank Malte Ebach for his… Read More