Wilkins on radio 12 Dec 2010 Here. The actual recording is not being played until 23 January… History Species and systematics Species concept History
Fiction Arthur C. Clarke dies 18 Mar 2008 When I was about 8, I read in a newspaper that one of my favourite short stories, “The Sentinel”, by Arthur C. Clarke, was to be made into a movie by some film maker I never heard of. I had to wait 5 years to see 2001, A Space Odyssey…. Read More
History The founder of the history of ideas 18 Feb 2010 Gary Nelson has pointed me at this article on Arthur Lovejoy, the founder of the history of ideas movement that I count myself part of. It is an interesting take on what Lovejoy was doing, a kind of cultural evolution historiography. Read More
Evolution Species, framing, and stuff 24 Mar 2008 So here’s a neo-Thomist talking about species, and not getting it due to (i) prior metaphysical commitments, and (ii) not understanding Aristotle – dude, he never called anything a species, not in the biological sense. Eidos and genos were just ordinary words he coopted for the Metaphysics and Posterior Analytics…. Read More
Wow, that’s weird. I mean, publishing the transcript of an episode that won’t be broadcast for a month and a bit. What’s weirder is that “Past Programs” is highlighted in the tab menu. Has the distinction between past and future been explained to them?