Wilkins on philosophy of science 12 Aug 2014 As part of the Science Week activities that informed the last few posts, I will be giving a brief introduction to philosophy of science as well as talking about the relation between science and religion shortly. The organiser of this event (on 23 August, at the East Melbourne Unitarian Church) is Adam Ford, who interviewed me for a few hours in freezing cold but picturesque surroundings in the Melbourne Royal Botanical Gardens last Sunday (it rained, which is why I’m wearing a waterproof coat. I’m not trying to look outdoorsy). Here is the first of these pieces as Adam edits them and puts them up on Youtube: More to come unless the decency police object to an old Australian… Biology Ecology and Biodiversity Evolution Genetics Philosophy Science Systematics
Accommodationism Undefining religion 15 Feb 201429 Jun 2024 [This will be a series of posts based on a book I am writing – see last post] When anthropologists began to study religions in cultures other than the European context, which itself was based upon Roman jurisprudence, they encountered a difficulty. Until this time, in the mid-nineteenth century, “religion”… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Miscellany 23 Dec 2008 Damn it’s hot. Around here, snow is at a premium, which means our solstitial celebrations are less active than those oop north. Anyway, I got interviewed last night on national radio, the ABC’s National Evening show, talking about the early ideas of philosophy to presenter Rhys Muldoon. Nice fellow. It… Read More
Genetics Genes – the language of God 1: Genes as Language 7 Jun 201410 Aug 2014 Genes – the language of God 0: Preface Genes – the language of God 1: Genes as Language Genes – the language of God 2: Other popular gene myths and metaphors Genes – the language of God 3: Why genes aren’t information Genes – the language of God 4: Why… Read More
So you have a number of quivers in your bone? LOL Sorry for the pun, really like the format. Keep going.