Understanding Species is here in hard copy 19 Apr 202319 Apr 2023 When I first watched Back to the future, I was mid-undergraduate studies, and had no thought that I would ever publish anything, but I was taken by Grispin Glover’s George McFly getting a box of what looked like 50 copies of his latest novel. The most I have ever gotten for any of my books was nine: things are less generous now than in the 80s, I guess. Also, academic books are orders of magnitude lower in numbers than commercial fiction. Still, the hard copies for any book are treasured, and thus I reveal to you: The interesting thing is that this is a compact size, around A5, which I guess is the thing now, what with Very Short Introductions to topics and so on. It’s still only £14.99/US$19.99, (AUS$28.95) so go get a copy. I think the price goes up in May. As a teaser, here’s a figure illustrating what different definitions of species do to our own species: Philosophy
Philosophy May I self-identify? 2 Jul 2010 Eric, at the Shoulders of Giant Midgets has refused me the right to self-identify as an Agnostic, comparing me to a racist who wants not to self-identify as a racist. Nice. I suppose it’s the difference between the law and philosophy (Eric being a lawyer) that such rhetorical moves (which… Read More
Education On journals and citation styles 31 Oct 2009 We live, you might have noticed, in an electronic age, right? So why, for heaven’s sake, don’t journals provide either a named Endnote or similar style for their journals? Springer in particular are very bad at this – they give relatively vague and ambiguous instructions via examples, but fail to… Read More
Philosophy Neurath on the surface 8 Sep 2009 Charles Wolfe pointed me at a comment of Otto Neurath’s: The scientific world conception is characterised not so much by theses of its own, but rather by its basic attitude, its points of view and direction of research. The goal ahead is unified science. The endeavour is to link and… Read More