Too adaptationist? 25 Aug 201225 Aug 2012 Penises can too tell the time… As always, click through. Cognition Evolution Humor
Epistemology The mind of other species 16 Dec 2010 Jacob von Uexküll was an Estonian biologist, who among other things coined the term “Umwelt” to denote the sensory and cognitive world of a particular species. The idea has been unjustly ignored by philosophers of biology, in part because it was enthusiastically taken up by semioticians instead, in part because… Read More
Humor What happens when you call the president a lame duck? 2 Nov 2008 Well, you crash your server with requests for free software, don’t you? Hopefully I’m not adding to the problem, but Codeweavers offered a free copy of their *nix and Mac OS X WINE-based Windows emulator CrossOver, which needs no copy of Windows unlike the other virtualisers I have (Parallels and… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Darwinian gardening, again 18 May 200818 Sep 2017 I’m not a gardener, really I’m not. I once killed a cactus plant by underwatering it. I found it on the window sill one day three years after I last took note of it and it was black. I don’t believe in the concept “weed”. If a plant survives my… Read More