The Philosophers' Menu 4 May 2010 The Philosophers’ Menu Presuppositions. Kantelope Assorted carnaps Pareto soup Hart-boyled eggs with a rescher of bacon Major Premises Jugged hare, with milled popper Skinnered peacocke, with nashed paretos Plato’ the Day Humeburger, with gibbard gravy Frankfurts and schauer kraut Bass van frassen [sic] Nagels and lockes Frege legs with russell sprouts Roast pigou, thoreauly dunn Fried (on nozick teflon) scanlons and lukes Just Deserts Julianned annanas Parfiteroles Ice cream cohen—jerry, joshua, or jonathan Candied geaches and pears Strawsonberry short cake Liquiddities Mineral walzer Perryier Wittgenstein of beer McGinn and tonic Copp of tea Brandty [From an unrecorded source, communicated but disavowed by Gerald Dworkin] Epistemology Ethics and Moral Philosophy Humor Metaphysics Philosophy Philosophy
Philosophy On Templeton money 4 Jun 2010 I work on the naturalising of religion: that is, the philosophical implications of religion being an evolved and natural human phenomenon; I’m even writing a book about it. I would love to get a grant to support that work, and indeed as an academic I am required to seek grant… Read More
Humor Advice from the Little Mermaid? 18 Jul 2010 My daughter watched The Little Mermaid repeatedly as a child. I now wonder if that was sending the right messages… [youtube=] H/t Jennifer Ouellette. Read More