General Science Orb spiders 26 Oct 200818 Sep 2017 I love golden orb spiders – they are among the prettiest spiders you will find in Queensland, and the largest [click on the pic for information]. You’ll come across them in the oddest places, too. I once nearly stepped on one on a footpath (sidewalk to non-English speakers) in the… Read More
Evolution Some relevant comics 4 Jan 201221 Jun 2018 As always, click to go to the originals. Read More
The first thing that comes to my mind is the expression ‘Lord love a duck,’ or in this case, giraffe love a duck. Thank you for introducing me to Cyanide and Happiness Comics.
What’s particularly amusing about this is that it reinvents the medieval conception of how species came to be. The giraffe, ironically, was thought itself to be a hybrid of the camel and the leopard, which explains its medieval name cameleopard – true story.
Yes. Somebody queried who Snowflake was, and I realised it was a bit confusing. Fortunately, not many people are called John…