Some great actual biology posts 21 Apr 2008 I just wanted to give you all a heads up to a couple of wonderful blogs: Tetrapod Zoology’s post on the lost lynxes and wildcats of Britain, and Catalogue of Organism’s post on spiders that lose their lungs. It’s things like these posts that make me wish I had been a proper biologist, Ecology and Biodiversity Evolution Species and systematics
Evolution Edis on Islamic creationism 21 Feb 2008 One of the more curious episodes in recent cultural history is the adoption, word for word, by Islamists particularly in Turkey of the American Christian fundamentalist antievolution schtick. Nobody knows more about this than Taner Edis, whose book An Illusion of Harmony: Science And Religion in Islam outlines how this… Read More
Evolution Liveblogging the conference: Jim Griesemer 14 Mar 2008 Jim Griesemer is one of my favourite philosophers. Here he’s discussing the work of Herbert Simon on dynamical boundaries. Read More
Species and systematics What is a theoretical object? 2 Jun 200818 Sep 2017 So, in the last episode, you’ll recall that the dastardly villain “theory” has relinquished its grip on species in a cliffhanger. But that raises a few questions. What, for instance, is it to be a theoretical object? Read More