Rant on Dembski 28 Jul 2009 My good friend Ian Musgrave has just put up a wonderful rant on Dumbski’s latest crap, and it’s also up at Panda’s Thumb. Go read it. Nothing unexpected, Dembski’s usual rhetorical tricks and bad research, but it’s a fun read. One guy you don’t want to get started ranting against you is Ian. Creationism and Intelligent Design
Administrative Drowning in the sea of faith 20 Sep 2008 Actually I’m not. The Sea of Faith In Australia crowd are very nice and easy to get on with folk, and many of them are your garden variety humanists, atheists and skeptics. Lawrence Krauss is a very nice guy with a good patter in anti-ID; nothing I haven’t heard before… Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design Noah’s Ark and the creation of the species rank 19 Jun 201719 Jun 2017 This is a section of my forthcoming revision to Species, presented here for comments that I can steal – umm, I mean for peer commentary. At this point in our narrative, we still do not have a uniquely biological notion of species, nor of a fixed rank in logic. As species concepts evolved,… Read More
Creationism and Intelligent Design Pope on evolution: more of the same teleological thinking 26 Apr 201126 Apr 2011 Recently, the Pope did what religious leaders appear increasingly inclined to do on Easter: bash science: Benedict emphasised the Biblical account of creation in his Easter Vigil homily, saying it was wrong to think at some point “in some tiny corner of the cosmos there evolved randomly some species of… Read More
Dumbski is deeply scary, this sort of stuff never fails to amaze me, I have difficulty grasping what exactly motivates it. Ian certainly takes the sting out of it not sure I agree with the envy part as such a strong motivator, fear and hatred certainly. Ive not read the book on every-ones lips just now, I don’t think the problem is how scientists communicate science but how a minority of very vocal scientists and philosophers of science talk about culture that is a problem. It’s a problem that Dumbski has picked up on and will manipulate to the full. I think thats something to be concerned about. But this line has made my day “Scientists, fear us, we will take your children and feed them the best available knowledge.” Very nice!
Should we call this dance of politicians ignoring the warnings of science until it is too late “The Musgrave Ritual”?
Off topic. I just used the quote mine on George Wald to good effect. Thanks for that Mr Catshark, nice resource. I was an education officer for Friends of the Earth in the 80’s, public attitude was dire, apart from school kids who always seemed to take an intrest. It’s changed somewhat but not enough.